~ 5 ~ (reuploaded)

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[ The next day (Wednesday) ]

Fuzzy fell on purpose so Cyber can catch him, "I heard we're getting new uniforms.." Cyber said well standing Fuzzy up again.

"Great." Cyber and Ludicity were death staring each other, well Fuzzy was...uh...being Fuzzy? Then Purpled came up to them. "Hey guys, do you have any idea where Tommy is? I want to tell him about the uniform thing."

Fuzzy pointed towards Tommy, "Over there dumbass" He commented. Purpled pushed Fuzzy a little then walked towards Tommy.

"Heya Tommy! Heard about the new uniform coming in?" Purpled asked, "Yes, why? Please don't say anything st—" "You'd look great in it love!"

Tommy sighed, "Stop flirting with me. We're just FRIENDS!" He yelled before walking away. Purpled never saw Tommy that angry. "Imagine getting friends zoned" Nova commented as Purpled jumped.

"Where the fuck did you come from?!" He asked as well as yelled. "MY MOM, WHERE ELSE?!" Purpled scoffed at the answer.

He quickly got his stuff as the bell rang and ran off to class, "Why is everyone annoyed of me..." Nova whispered to themselves. Then they walked to class too.

"Okay class, does anyone know the answer to this science question?" Mr Worshipper asked

Fuzzy raised their hand, "Cock!" He laughed, "Oh so you think you're so funny and smart?" The teacher said, "I mean, yeah, the whole class was laughing. And technically cock means chicken so-"

The teacher cut him off, "Detention." The class started to say "ooo~" and stuff like that. "DETENTION?! You can't give me detention I have a date tonight!" Fuzzy whined.

"Your personal life is not my problem." Mr Worshipper went back to teaching. "Ugh. This sucks.." Fuzzy said quietly, "I know right. I have detention as well.." Egan whispered.

"Egan?! I thought you were gonna stay at Cloud Academy?!" Fuzzy whispered excitedly, "I would miss you and Nova too much love" Fuzzy got frustrated after Egan said that. "Shut the fuck up.."

After class, Egan and Fuzzy walked with each other, but enough about them too, this is a story about TOMMY! So on with what happened to him during class!

"Okay class, does anyone know the answer to this science question?" Mr Worshipper asked

Fuzzy raised their hand, "Cock!" He laughed, "Fuzzy's so dumb." Tommy thought, not knowing he said it out loud instead. "Yup, that's him." Deo said. "Anyways wanna go to my house today?" Tommy got angry.

"NO! I said many times, NO! I don't like YOU, I don't like PURPLED, I don't like TUBBO, and I don't like RANBOO! Leave me the FUCK alone!" He yelled, everyone stared at him.

"That's detention for you too Tommy." Mr Worshipper said coldly, "Whatever..."

[ After Class ]

Once again, as Tommy was walking out of his classroom, Tubbo came up to him. "Leave me ALONE!" Tommy yelled the last part. "Why, I want to stay with youu" The brunette flirted.

Tommy stopped walking and just stared at Tubbo. "Have you ever thought that maybe...I don't know..I DON'T LIKE YOU LIKE THAT?!" Tubbo jumped in surprised, not even a day ago Tommy was a little more kind, what had happened?

"What the fuck?! You were so nice yesterday! What happened?! What's so bad that you have to take your anger out on me?!" Tubbo yelled, they both soon started to start attraction.

Tommy paused, "Nothing happened." He said quietly before continuing, "I just don't like you guys like that and you don't know how to let go." Tommy quickly started to leave. "And tell Ranboo that too...I'm not some sort of object."

Tubbo looked hurt, like he had just been hit. Ranboo walked up to him just then, "Hi Tubbo! Why'd Tommy walk away so quickly?" He asked.

"The deals off Ranboo. He knows about it obviously. We fucked up. We were treating him like a fucking object!"

"Tubbo calm down, we haven't even known him for THAT long."

"Really?! Yeah. Ranboo...you remember our friend that we would call Flower Head?" Tubbo asked, Ranboo giggled at the nickname,

"Yeah, we were such stupid ki— holy shit Tommy is flower head- I mean our childhood friend" Ranboo finally realized. "Mhm."

"Why'd he move back?"

"That's for him to know, and us to find out. By stalking him of course"

"You two sound insane." Purpled said from behind them. "FUCKING HELL PURPLED!!!" Tubbo yelled.

Purpled sighed. "You guys can't just stalk Tommy...that's creepy." He said. "But then again I really want to know.."

Tubbo jumped up excitedly, "Exactly! So let's follow him home!" Tubbo smiled

"Yes because that doesn't sound creepy whatsoever." Deo cringed, everyone jumped a little, "A nice hello before you came up to us would be fine."

Purpled pushed Deo a little,  lof"Well? Come on! Lets go spy on him!" Everyone looked at Tubbo like he was crazy. Which he was.

They slowly started to follow Tommy without being noticed. Since Deo has a car they followed him and Wilbur easier.

[ With Tommy ]

"Will there is a car following us." Wilbur stopped the car to see if that car would stop as well, it did. "What the fuck?! Tommy what trouble did you get it?!" He asked.

"ME?! I didn't do shit!" Tommy yelled, "Just drive home. It's probably just a...I don't know." Wilbur started to drive home, the car followed.

As Tommy and Wilbur reached their house the car kept on going, or so they thought.

[ With the boys ]

"Okay this is kinda exciting." Ranboo commented. "Told you!" Tubbo laughed. "It's still creepy..." Everyone stared at Purpled. "ITS TRUE!"

Loser • Tommy HaremWhere stories live. Discover now