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"Well you'll definitely like it here!" Said Ranboo while putting his hands on his hips

"Oh, well I hope so-" Ghosty got cut off by a screaming 5'2 male

"GHOSTY WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TAKE MY DAMN PHONE!!" Fuzzy yelled interrupting Ghosty

"I was about to give it back to you, calm down." Ghosty then grabbed Fuzzy's phone out of there pocket and gave it to Fuzzy

"FINALLY GHOSTY! FUZZY WAS YELLING AT ME THE WHOLE TIME, because his jealous ass though I accidentally used his phone instead of mine to text a girl" Ludicity started to explain, "So he thought I hid it." He finished

"Wow, you really are a jealous person, but I can't really blame Fuzzy. After his relationship with Cyber..." Angel didn't want to finish the rest

Tommy, Ranboo, Deo, Purpled, and Tubbo were staring. "We are still here you know?" Tubbo said

"Oh, sorry-" Ghosty got interrupted again. "Well then go somewhere else bitch." Fuzzy said flipping them off

"You act like American Tommy" Deo laughed as the others, expect Fuzzy and Tommy, laughed as well.


"Yeah yeah, whatever." Deo replied to the loud brunette. Then the bell rang.

"Well time to go." Tubbo said as everyone started to pack there stuff up. "Fuzzy wait!" A voice said from behind all of them

"Uhm, you guys go ahead...you as well
Ludicity, I'll talk to...Emerald." Fuzzy walked up the Emerald as the others went to class

"Listen...I know I did you wrong...I really do. But have you ever thought about all the wrong shit YOU did to ME?!" Emerald yelled

"You stopped me just to start an argument?! Wow! This just shows how much of a fucking BABY you are!" Fuzzy shot back

"At least I was mom's favorite!" Emerald yelled. "Well at least mom spent her last hours with me." Fuzzy and Emerald stared at each other

"I always knew you were a fucked up person...Fuzzy. I just didn't know you would say that..." Emerald said

"You act like you didn't say that you wished I died instead of mom! ASSHOLE!!" Fuzzy yelled as Emerald walked away.

[ During class ]

"Tommy~" Said Tubbo staring at Tommy. "Tubbo I literally known you for like a week. Knock it off!" Tommy whispered

"Yeah yeah...but you are so adorable...plus me, Ranboo, and Purpled were wondering if we can ride with you to your house?" Tubbo asked, he wanted to have a sleepover with his crush.

"Uhm...yeah sure. Wilbur is driving though." As soon as Tommy said that Tubbo's eyes went wide

"W-Wilbur?" He whispered to himself "WILBUR'S GONNA KILL ME TOMMY!!" He yelled, the whole class stared at him

[ After class ]

"That was our last period right" Tubbo asked, "Yeah...let's go- oh here they are." Tommy said coldly

"Tommy! My love!!" Purpled flirted and Tommy just pushed him playfully, they made there way to Wilbur's car

"Why's Dream is the front seat?!" Tommy yelled. "Because he's sleeping over, and there's 8 seats so it doesn't matter." Wilbur responded

"Well looks like one of us is sitting alone!" Tommy laughed, "I vote Tubbo!" Ranboo and Purpled yelled

"Fuck you both!!" Tubbo then went into the back back seat and sat down, after him Ranboo went, then Purpled, then Tommy.

"So...I heard you boys like my brother?" Wilbur asked, he tried to sound friendly but in reality he wanted to kill them.

"And I heard you liked MY brother, isn't that right Wilbur?" Purpled said using the same tone Wilbur did

"I- uhm..fuck off kid you're lucky I haven't yelled at you." Wilbur went back to driving

"Wha- What? Do you really like me Wilbur?" Dream asked blushing a bit. "Uh, I- No!! He's lying..." Wilbur defended himself

Dream went quiet, "What's wrong Dream?" Wilbur asked

"Nothing...asshole." Dream whispered the last part so Wilbur, or anyone else, couldn't hear

"Okay...you just seem-" Wilbur got cut off by Dream again, "I said nothing is wrong okay?! Leave me alone!" Dream looked out the window so Wilbur wouldn't see his slight tears

The rest of the car ride was silent.

[ At the house ]

Tommy quickly ran to his room as the others, except Wilbur and Dream, followed. "This is my AMAZING room!!" Tommy exclaimed

"Oh! By the way guys, I installed a camera in Wilbur's room so we can see what Dream and him are doing!" Everyone quickly got more excited

As everyone started to say that they should watch what they're doing Tommy agreed and turned on the live video, everyone soon gathered around Tommy to also watch.

[ The video ]

"Dream, are you okay? You were quiet for almost the whole ride..." Wilbur said softly, "Yep, fine. So fine Wilbur. I'm great!" The blond replied sarcastically

Wilbur looked down at Dream, "If somethings wrong...can you tell me please..?" He asked. Dream looked at Wilbur, they both stared at each other.

"Just forget it..." Dream got out his phone, "Dream, you're really cute you know.." Wilbur smirked as Dream blushed

"I- uh- Excuse me?" Wilbur glared at Dream, "Yeah..You are. George was really lucky." He added

"Uh...thanks?" Dream was confused, also full of blush. He always thought of Wilbur as a friend until 2 days after he broke up with George.

It was silent until Wilbur decided to break it, "Uhm...sorry! Anyways want to prank call Bad? Heard Skeppy is at his place tonight"

"Sure! And people are saying that Skeppy forced Bad to let him over" Dream laughed, Wilbur opened his phone and dialed Bads number

It was ringing for what seemed to be the longest time, "Hello? No! Skeppy sto- SKEPPY! So sorry for that, Hi!" A squeaky voice said.

Wilbur changed his accent and tried to sound American, "Hello. You have to uh- pay- I mean uh- You're in debt."

"Wilbur? What the muffin are you doing?! I SWEAR TO THE MUFFIN LORD SKEPPY PUT THAT DOW-" BBH cut off, Wilbur and Dream started laughing, then they hung up.

"Ok- Okay I have to admit that was pretty funny!" Dream laughed, Wilbur stared at Dream as he laughed.

He admired how pretty the blond was, until he was interrupted by Tommy. "HEY GUYS WE WANT POPCORN! WILBUR MAKE US POPCORN!!" The blond child yelled

"Agh fuck you!"

Loser • Tommy HaremWhere stories live. Discover now