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Purpled was the only normal one out of the 4 right now. "Guys, let's just knock on the door like normal people-" "NO! We only get ONE life! Let's make it worth it!" Tubbo said.

"IS JAIL REALLY WORTH IT?!" The dirty blonde yelled, "Well- uh- FINE WE'LL GO THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR!" The shorter agreed.

After everyone got out of the car they made their way to Tommy's house, "Ranboo you do it!" "What?! I don't wanna knock on the door!"

Well they were arguing, Purpled pressed the door bell. A tall blonde opened the door, but it wasn't Tommy. "Uh..Purpled?" He asked.

"Okay never mind that, what do you guys want?" The boys stared at Dream, then at each other. "Uhm..Why are you here, and is that Wilbur's h-" Purpled got interrupted.

"Do you guys wanna come in or not?" Dream asked, "Yes!"


Deo looked around in awe, "Woah, this house is HUGE!" He yelled. "Quiet! And Tommy's in his room.." Dream said before walking over to Will's room.

"Got it!"

The rest of the night was normal, sure Tommy was shocked but he let it slide.


The five boys were talking when they saw another kid that looked unfamiliar walk by. "Who's that?" Tommy asked. "Shit, like I know!"

"He looks new." Deo commented, "Probably is." "I talked to him earlier, his name is Oliver." Tubbo said, "That's a nice name.." Tommy replied looking over to Oliver, he had green eyes with light brown hair.

The other four looked at each other, "DON'T TELL US YOU LIKE-" Deo got slapped by Purpled, "Shut the hell up!" He yelled. "What? Are you guys jealous that I find the new boy attractive?" The blonde asked.

"Wha- What? Us? Jealous? Pft! Never." Ranboo stuttered before taking the other three somewhere else.

"Code red!" He yelled, Tommy still couldn't hear him though. "At least ONE of us has to date him, not some random eboy new kid!" Deo exclaimed, "That's offensive to me." Ranboo rolled his eyes.

"His outfit looks lame." Deo commented, "Like you're one to-" Tubbo got interrupted by "the new kid."

(His outfit btw lmao)

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(His outfit btw lmao)

"My outfits lame?" He asked, "I- uh-" Deo struggled to answer. "Yeah, it really is." Purpled answered for him.."Not as lame as yours, doesn't even look like you tried to look good."

The 4 boys looked in shock. It was like they've never been insulted before, they have. "Wow! Fuck you." Purpled said crossing his arms, "I'd rather not.." Oliver was holding his laughter and he ran up to Tommy.

The boys looked like they had seen a ghost.

"What a prick!"

"I hate him."

"I say we murder him."


Everyone looked at Tubbo, "What the f- heck was that?" Ranboo laughed. "I honestly don't know."

(Sorry it's short I felt bad about not posting.)

Loser • Tommy HaremWhere stories live. Discover now