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"What's going on over he- What are they fighting about?" Dream whispered to Techno

"I think they are fighting over you or something, I don't know but looks like George has gone quiet" The pinkette laughed

George was staring at the ground as Wilbur watched him. "You can't break up with someone and expect no one to like them." He said

"Well. If you don't mind Wilbur me telling you, Dream was being difficult! It wasn't my fault I would want to break up with him!" George argued back

"Difficult?! Really George?! You been with Dream since 7th grade! Fucking hell. Your lucky Dream didn't break up with you before you did! Fucking asshole!" Wilbur snapped at the other brunette. Half of what he said was right

"Have a nice day, and you guys can stop watching us now. Nothing happened expect for us arguing." Wilbur than walked to the bathroom

Dream followed him because it was pretty obvious he wasn't going to wash his hands or anything.

"Wilbur?" A quiet soft voice spoke behind the taller. "What happened over there?" The voice seemed to be Dream.

"I...nothing." Wilbur answered, he wasn't right but wasn't wrong.

"Obviously something happened! What the hell happened! If you don't tell me- I'll- I'll...." Dream stopped speaking, he didn't know what he would do.

"I'll get back with George!! So tell me what happened Wilbur!" Dream took a step closer to Wilbur.

It was quiet for a while until Wilbur spoke, "George just was being a bitch and I told him off. That's it. Nothing more." Wilbur stared at Dream

Dream tried his best to look scary it just didn't work so it made Wilbur laugh out loud. "W-What are you laughing at!" He stuttered out

"You!" He laughed again, "You look adorable trying to be scary!" He calmed down afterwards

"Don't get off topic Will. You and George argued about something and I know what. Techno told me." The blond paused for a bit, he started to speak again

"Now very mature of you guys. You're lucky Bad didn't hear you both." Dream and him glared each other down before Dream left the washroom

"Can you guys like ever leave me alone, we don't know each other" Tommy yelled at the 4 boys

"Well yesterday you got thrown in a trash can and I saw so I technically know you cutie-" Purpled tried to flirt until he got cut off by Ranboo

"You're logic just doesn't make sense Purpled" The half and half haired boy spoke, he was right. But Purpled never made sense

"Hello guys! You should join the fighting cl-" The pinkette got cut off by someone next to him

"Ludicity for the last time, no one wants to join. If no one here is crazy then why should we learn self defense?" The boy asked stopping Ludicity (HEHE YANDERE RAP BATTLES REFERENCE)

"Well it's worth a shot Fuzzy!" Ludicity argued back before they both left to ask another group of people

"Who are those guys?" Deo asked confused since he knows everyone but never seen those two

"There's about 5 more I'd say, they came from this place called Cloud SMP. " Mr bee boy answered. It was a simple question with a simple answer

"Okay great now leave me the hell ALONE!" Tommy yelled enough for the whole damn hallway could hear

It didn't take long before people started whispering and pointing, to that Tommy got really nervous and embarrassed

Then this girl and a boy walked up to them, "Hey! Have you seen a pink haired male and a brown haired shorty walking around here?" The boy asked

"We have ghost looking man" Tommy laughed, he wasn't sure if he was insulting them or just making a comment

"Oh, my name is actually Ghosty! That's funny...heh! I'm Ghosty and this is Angel" Ghosty laughed

"HEY YOU'RE A NEW STUDENT!" Tubbo shouted, "FROM THAT ONE PLACE...Uhm....CLOUD SMP!" He added on

"Oh yeah, I use to go to Mystical High School but now I go to Coral Springs High.." Ghosty paused, "I kinda miss my old friends like Beatoes and Problematic." He added on


"Well you will definitely like it here!"

(Sorry for it being short)

Loser • Tommy HaremWhere stories live. Discover now