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Contains : Stalking (kind of not really), Dreambur, DNF angst >:), bottom Dream supremacy🖕

It was a causal day for Tommy, well it wasn't in school but now he isn't in school anymore. "Wilbur when are we gonna go to the arcade! I'm getting fucking bored!!" Tommy yelled at the older

"Calm down! I'm the one that's in my last year, not you! Plus we're waiting for Bad, Dream, and George." Wilbur replied
"WHY BAD?! HE ALWAYS CENSORS ME WILL!" Tommy yelled again, well of course he yelled again

"Tommy shut up! Bad is a kind person!!" Wilbur yelled back, "Okay but if he censors my swearing-"

The blond got interrupted by Dream and Wilbur greeting each other, saying things such as "Hi! How are you doing?"

"Hey, good to see you Dream! Is George coming? He is usually with you?" Wilbur asked looking around. Dream

"Oh...uhm, we...kind of" Dream paused looking at the ground. "Bro- Broke up..." Dream tried his hardest not to cry, Wilbur could tell

"Oh God! I'm so sorry Dream I didn't know!" Wilbur than hugged Dream, Tommy was just standing there awkwardly.

"We can go to the arcade when Bad arrives to make you feel better?" Wilbur asks, "S-Sure I guess..."

"AH- FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" Tommy flipped off a 5 year old boy, the others didn't know why. Tommy didn't even know why.

"LANGUAGE TOMMY!! And you can't be doing that to little kids!!" BBH yelled

"SEE WILBUR! HE CENSORS MEEEEE- Wilbur can we leave now?" Tommy asked, he was looking around and saw the 4 boys from school

"What- why? We're all having a good time." Wilbur looks down to the younger

"Talk about a quick mood change" Dream laughed.
"No- no I really want to leave- fuck." Tommy looked down as the 4 boys came up to them

"Oh hey Tommy, how are you babe-" Purpled got cut off with a slap

"OKAY LISTEN HERE YOU FUCK FA- FACE!!" Tommy yelled blushing furiously

"What did you just call him?" Wilbur asked giving Purpled a death stare

"It was a joke sorry- why did you dare me to do this Tubbo?!" Purpled whispered the last part

"It fucking better be." Wilbur said, "language!" Bad yelled.

"Sorry sorry- heh" Wilbur scratched the back of his head. "Yeah Wilbur, LANGUAGE!!" Dream made fun of the older

"Oh fuck off Dream!" Wilbur laughed afterwards, he was a bit happy Dream broke up with George

"Anyways, we need to borrow Tommy for a bit!" Said Tubbo grabbing Tommy's hand and quickly dragging him outside the arcade

"HEY! What's the deal bitches?!" Tommy yelled at the 4. He was angry

"Uhm- who do you want to...I don't know, kiss?" Deo asked scratching his head nervously, it wasn't a normal question. They all knew that. "WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY 'Who do you want to kiss'"

"Sorry! I thought it was no- AH!" Purpled yelled since Technoblade just came out of no where, it scared him

"Why do you want to kiss my brother."

"UH- TUBBO DID IT!" Deo than ran off, "PUSSY!" Tubbo yelled back at the orange looking boy.

"Back to topic, why do you want to kiss my brother?" Techno asked again

"Uh- uhm- PURPLED DI-" Purpled slapped Tubbo, "STOP BEING A FUCKING PUSSY!!"

"ITS TECHNOBLADE!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY 'sToP bEiNg a PuSsY' ?!" Tubbo yelled


"Dumbass." Purpled followed after, "Fine. You guys can THINK he's cute but don't try and kiss him. I will kill you all." Technoblade walked back to Wilbur, Wilbur flipped off the three boys that were there.

"Wilbur! They are children!!" Bad yelled at the taller, "So?"

"Ugh...give me a few more minutes..." Draco (NOT DRACO FUCKING MALFOY!!DRACO FROM ITSFUNNEH!!) yawned.

"DRACO! Wake up!! We're late because of SOMEONE taking too long to wake and do their make-up *cough* gold *cough* and you!" Lunar yelled

"Fineeee!" He whined getting up and quickly getting ready after Lunar left the room.


"Ow! Watch where your going green haired freak!" Yelled Tommy angry that he dropped his books

"Sorry, no need to be so...mean...." He said quietly, "It's my first day..." He added

"Well suck it up! The least you could do is say sorry!!" Tommy yelled again

"But I did..." Draco corrected the blond.

"That's Tommy Draco, he's always a bitch!" Wilbur laughed, "I'm telling dad Tommy." Wilbur said seriously afterwards

"Why?! He's just some normal kid- shit. Did I accidentally bully a SUPER important kid?" Tommy asked looking down.

"Yes. Yes you did Tommy, one, he's my FRIEND! Two, he's the son of most rich business man!!" Wilbur explained

"Oh...at least he's not the principal's son- son. HAVE YOU SEEN BAD?! He's such a goody two shoes..." Tommy yelled

"Don't bully Bad! He's nice!!" Draco yelled back, BBH was his friend and so far he's been kind.

"WILBUR!! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" Someone screamed from the crowd, "What did I do?!" Wilbur yelled

"Someone told me you had a crush on Dream!!" George yelled back walking closer to Wilbur

"W-what?! Who told you- Told you that?!" Wilbur asked, it was true, but he didn't want to say it was.



"Oh- HEY GEORGE YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T SNITCH!!" Techno yelled from the crowd

"Well I guess I did, now back to you. I'm dating Dream!! Back off!" George said.

"Hey! Dream said he broke up with you!! Maybe you should STAY in a relationship if you don't want to loose him." Wilbur than walked off.

"Pft imagine being single, couldn't be me!" Tommy yelled, "wait...FUCK!"

(Short chapter again because dealing with shit irl.)

Loser • Tommy HaremWhere stories live. Discover now