Chapter 3- Shattered

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(A/n:  @LordGhostTurkey Thank you so much for the shout out on your message. If you guys don't know who they are. Go check them out. They also got some really cool KDA stories. Thank you so much again! Please enjoy this chapter.)

It was the day after you had officially met with KDA. You had the day off but didn't know what to do since Ashe canceled on you. You got out of bed and checked your phone. It was about 8:40 in the morning. You walked out into the living room. You could see Seraphine on the couch with a bowl of cereal watching something on the TV.

Seraphine: "*Muffled* Good Morning!"

You: "Morning Sera, please don't talk with your mouth full."

Seraphine chewed and swallowed her cereal.

Seraphine: "Sorry!"

You: "It's fine Sera, I just don't want you choking."

Seraphine: "Awww, you care about me!"

You: "Of course dumbo! You're my best friend."

Seraphine: "What did you have planned for today?"

You: "I don't know I have the day off and I thought about just going into work since I don't have anything else to do."

Seraphine: "Why don't we just go to the mall together?"

You: "Eh, sure why not. Let me go take a shower and change."

Seraphine: "Okay! I'll do the same!"

You quickly made a cup of coffee and then went and took a shower. You got dressed in your favorite set of clothes and drank your coffee and were on your phone as you waited for Seraphine. You then decided to text Ashe.

You: "Good morning baby!"

Ashe: "Good morning handsome!"

You: "I hope you have a wonderful day, good luck with your project!"

Ashe: "Thank you baby! I love you!"

You: "I love you too!"

Ashe: "I got to go, my lab partner is picking me up soon!"

You: "Okay! Stay safe!"

Ashe: "I will! Bye!"

You then put up your phone and just watch some TV.

Seraphine: "Alright ready to go?"

You: "Sure, you driving or me?"

Seraphine: "I can drive!"

You: "Alright just don't get us into an accident this time."

Seraphine: "I didn't know I wasn't allowed to turn!"

You: "The light was clearly red!"

You both got into the car and drove off the mall. The closest mall was the same one that Jinx and Sett worked at. Hopefully Irelia made sure that they were both there today so you could also stop by and say hi. After a bit and another close call with Seraphine driving, you made it into the mall parking lot.

You: "How did you get your driver's license?"

Seraphine: "Shut up! Let's just go!"

You both entered the mall and went to a few stores. You went to a game stop and computer store to get your hands on a new game or your hands on a 3090 RTX TI for your computer. Sadly no games were really interesting to you right now and you could probably just get it cheaper on pc. 3090s were in stock which was kinda a shock but still it was just out of your price range. So you just gave up and went to go look for Seraphine.

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