Chapter 28- Bulls and Horns

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(No Maidens? Sorry, but I had too. Don't worry, I don't got any maidens... Anyways here's a chapter! Hope you enjoy! Also thank you all for like 200k on this book and like over 400+ followers. So with that said, Stay safe. Stay awesome. I'll see you next time!)

Lillia: "Papa?"

Rell: "Papa...?"

Garen: "Papa!?"

Lux: "PAPA?!?!"

Evelynn: "Oh... I can't miss this opportunity."

Evelynn: "Oh yes, he's the father. Isn't that right, girls?"

Evelynn had a giant smirk on her face and the girls instantly caught on.

You: "Wait Eve no-."

Kai'sa: "Oh yes, I can still remember when I told (Y/n) I was pregnant. He cried tears of joy."

Ahri: "I remember at our baby shower he was bragging to all his friends."

Akali: "Oh I have pictures of him and Ina during her birthday!"

Kai'sa: "Me too!"

You were suddenly picked up by Lux as she was now in your face.


Garen then proceeded to pull his sister back and Rell and Lillia just looked at you.

Rell: "Damn (Y/n) I didn't think you were into polygamy. Are you trying to start a clan by yourself?"

Lillia: "So how did you all meet?"

You: "I'm not actually their father, I'm just their nanny. I met them at the daycare I work at. One thing led to another and I ended up falling for all of them and they fell for me first. The girls just call me Papa."

Lillia: "Now that sounds a bit more convincing."

Rell: "I don't know Lil, they both stories sound like they could be telling the truth."

You: "Hey!"

Garen: "Alrighty, I'm sure we can dispute this over some good food and drink. But let's get (Y/n) saddled up!"

Rell: "I'll get your tact!"

Lillia: "I'll help you with Silver (Y/n)."

Lux and Garen led the rest of them to the riding track while you got your tact settled on Silver. Lillia then leads you to the riding track. Rell opened the gate and you rode in. The gate shut and Rell and Lillia joined the rest.

You: "Okay, you ready Silver?"

You took a deep breath and went. You rode past the rest as Silver galloped. She rode steady and fast despite her age. You rode back to the rest and slowed a bit. You smiled at them and gave Silver a pat on her side.

You: "Man! It feels good to ride again!"

Rell: "It seems like you still got it!"

Lillia: "As expected of our champion rider!"

Garen: "Man! We need to race sometime on this trip!"

Lux: "How you wrangle a bit! See if you're still good with a lasso!"

You: "Sure! Rell, got any cattle in the pin?"

Rell: "I can get one in! Let's go!"

You all head to another ring and Rell heard a single cow into the ring and you enter from the opposite end. The cattle began to move and you went to chase after it on Silver. Once you got close enough, you took your lasso and threw it. In one fell swoop you get the loop of the lasso around its neck and you lead it to the open pen. You then ride up to the rest and they all cheer for you.

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