Chapter 22- "Friendly" Competition

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(A/n: I'm back. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving for those here in the States. A chapter for that Holiday will appear soon after this one so don't worry it's coming right along. As will a Christmas chapter too. But we will get to that soon enough. I hope you enjoy the chapter.)

You: "This is Leah, Mai, and Deanna."

Kayle: "Hello there kiddos."

Morgana: "Wow, they really take after their moms don't they."

You: "At least I'm not the only one who thinks that."

Leah: "Hi! I'm Leah! What's your name?"

Kayle: "Hi there Leah, I'm Kayle."

Deanna: "I like your hair, it's purple like mine."

Morgana: "Thank you, I like your hair too."

You smiled as they all got along. You checked your watch and noticed it was almost 11 am.

You: "Oh no, I'm late!"

You quickly took the girls to the car and got their things they took with them to the daycare. You walk up to Kayle and Morgana.

You: "I'm sorry, but I'm late for work. It was nice seeing you again. We should definitely hang out sometime. Sera could probably give you my number."

Kayle: "It was good to see you too (Y/n)."

Morgana: "Of course! I would love to spend time with our favorite chubby bunny!"

You: "Really? You're still going to call me by that dumb nickname?"

Kayle: "Hey it's not dumb! It's our way of saying you're special!"

You: "Whatever you say. Well I've got to go. See you guys around!"

They go in for one more hug and they sandwiched you between them. They soon let go and you went to the car to take the girls to the daycare.

Mai: "Mr.(Y/n) are you going to marry our mommies?"

You: "What...?"

Seraphine's POV...

After (Y/n) left it was just the seven of us again. Morgana and Kayle came back to the kitchen.

Me: "So what are the plans for the rest of the day?"

Ahri: "Well Kat gave us pretty much the next two days off. And Thanksgiving is coming up in a week or so."

Kayle: "Me and Morgana don't have anything to do today. So if you want to hang out Sera we can."

Morgana: "Yeah, my business meetings are all scattered for the next couple of weeks."

Evelynn: "Funny, I don't remember asking you. Also please refrain from touching our caretaker when he's working."

Everyone looked at Evelynn. The house became dead silent for a minute. Kayle and Morgana were shocked but Kayle was more pissed then shocked. Kayle shot a glare at Evelynn and Evelynn only responded back with another one.

Kayle: "Excuse me? First, we weren't talking to you. Second, he's our childhood friend and- Oh wait... I know what's going on."

Kayle's expression from anger to a mischievous smile. Morgana's cogs were turning in her head to figure out what was going on then it clicked.

Morgana: "You all like (Y/n) too?!"

She then turned to Sera and looked her dead in the eyes.

Morgana: "You told them?!"

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