Chapter 6- Dancing Fever

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(A/n: Sorry for a bit of a delay. But here's another chapter! Please enjoy! I also noticed a mistake I made in the first chapter. I put the song on your spotify as More. But that doesn't make sense since Seraphine isn't in the band. So I changed it to Pop/Stars. Whoops lol.)

Another day, another back to the grind. Ever since Monday about 2 days ago. You haven't heard or seen a thing from Ashe. You were kinda concerned but yet you knew that it would be better not to be. You walked into work with a bit of pep to your step and a better attitude. The girls were absolute angels for the last couple of days as well which made you happy.

Shay: "Morning!"

You: "Good morning Shay!"

Shay: "Someone looks happy to be here!"

You: "Yeah! Today is going to be a good day!"

Shay: "I'm liking the new attitude! Well I hope everything goes well today then!"

You: "I hope so as well!"

You went to the employee's area and got ready for work. You entered the butterfly room and got the tables and chairs set up. Once you did you made sure everything was properly where it was and got ready to greet the kids as they came in. Soon the daycare and your room was filling with noise and the sound of children playing. KDA then in their usual group formation as they do.

You: "Good morning everyone! Good morning girls!"

Ahri: "Good morning Mr.(Y/n)!"

Kai'sa: "Good morning!"

Akali: "Morning dude!"

Evelynn: "Morning dear."

Mai: "Good morning Mr.(Y/n)."

Ina: "Good morning! Mr.(Y/n)!"

Deanna: "Good morning Mr.(Y/n)."

Leah: "Good morning *Cough* Mr.(Y/n)!"

You: "Are you okay? Leah?"

Leah: "Yeah! I'm okay!"

You: "Okay, well you girls can go on in and start to play."

All of them: "Yay!"

They all ran off to go do their own things. You turned back to KDA, they just looked at you and smiled.

Kai'sa: "They seem to have taken quite a liking to you."

You: "Well I'd hope so or I'd be pretty bad at my job."

Ahri: "Mai actually talks a lot about you at home with me."

Akali: "So does Ina!"

You: "Really what do they say?"

Ahri: "Mostly about how you're so nice and kind to them."

Akali: "Ina loves talking about how you read to them and how you tell them stories."

Kai'sa: "The kids absolutely just love you!"

Evelynn: "I can say I'm quite impressed and looking forward to having you take care of them this weekend."

You: "Well I'm only doing my job. It's nothing special. But I hope you have a good day and I'll see you later when you pick them up!"

They wave you goodbye before they go and leave for their day at work. You wonder what kind of work they have to do for the day. Then again it's not really much of your business since they are pop idols.

You go around seeing what the kids are up to for the day. Ahri was with Jasmine, her wolf vastayan friend and Gabi, a bird vastayan that she made friends with. They were drawing together. Ina had been building castles with some legos with some kids. Deanna was reading books with some of the other kids. Leah was leading a dance while other kids tried to copy her. You smiled and let the day play on.

The Idol's Daycare (KDA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now