Chapter 5- Confrontation

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(A/n: I got tickets to go see Sabaton tomorrow. So there will be a break in the chapters. As well a postponement on chapter 30 for Pilot, KDA Report. But in the mean time enjoy the chapter.)

Ashe: "(Y/n) come back to me... I'm sorry..."

You quickly glanced at KDA and then backed to Ashe. KDA seemed shocked as to who this person was and why they were calling for you. They quickly turn back to you and you put on your best fake smile.

You: "Um! Excuse me just a second! Um, feel free to go ahead and go! It was nice seeing you all again and I'll see you girls tomorrow I presume! Bye!"

You quickly grab Ashe and bring her into the butterfly room and close the door. You had no other options really and you still needed to clean the room up either way. Taking a deep breath you look at Ashe as she tries to get close to you. The thought of her touching you made you sick and so you went around the room cleaning up a bit.

You: "Why are you here...?"

Ashe: "I'm here to get back with you! Why won't you talk to me?!"

You: "Because you cheated on me Ashe! That's why! Do you really think that I'd want to see you after witnessing that first hand!"

Ashe: "I said I was sorry! Please (Y/n)! I know I messed up! Please just give me another chance!"

Right now you were so glad that the rooms were sound proof since you knew how loud kids could get. As with the discussion you were having right now, it wasn't meant for children to hear.

You: "I gave you my heart, time, dedication, and love. You threw that all in the ground and stomped on it. Do you really think I can trust you? No, that would be so dumb of me!"

Ashe: "I still love you! I do! Please let me prove it to you! I promise I will!"

You: "Ashe just give it a rest already! We're done! Just go back to campus! Go back to whoever he is! You clearly want him more than me! So just go!"

Ashe: "No! I'm not leaving here without you!"

Ashe lunged forward for you until you saw two quick lashers around her. You turned to see KDA still here at the door of the room and with Shay and a phone in her hand. You turned to look at the source of the lashers which was Evelynn with a pissed off look on her face.

Earlier Evelynn's POV...

As we were talking to Mr.(Y/n) his face had a sudden change in emotion when he looked past us. We turned to see this girls about Mr.(Y/n) and Akali's age. It looked like she had been crying for hours with the amount of makeup on her face. Funny enough I knew the brand too since it was Ahri's. What shocked us the most was what she had said.

Ashe: "(Y/n) come back to me... I'm sorry..."

Then it clicked in my mind. So this was Mr.(Y/n)'s girlfriend or now I presume ex-girlfriend from the context clues. Mr.(Y/n) had quickly ushered her into the room he worked in and closed the door.

Ahri: "Who was that?"

Me: "My guess, his recent ex-girlfriend."

Kai'sa: "What?!"

Akali: "How could you tell so easily?"

Me: "Are you serious? The girl looked like she'd been crying for hours. And obviously she seemed to have been here for our little daycare worker."

Mai: "That's the lady I saw in Mr.(Y/n)'s head. That's why he was sad."

Ahri: "Mai, it's not nice to look into people's thoughts like that without permission."

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