Safe Place?

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After I left the farm, because of the fight with Rick and the others they are insane, especially Shane, he is insane, I thank Maggie and her family for letting me stay, they give me a bit and I give them a weapon to and Gleen and I left, I was walking around on the road, I find a shop, I take a few things and I left, I find a prison with walkers inside I get in, and then I found some people there, alive and we agree that I will stay there and I bring them stuff from outside and I stay, I hope it's safe*

*The Present*

After Two Months*
I was with William and Henry outside, we have to clean the outside, Jack was the leader because he has a gun and he was here first, I don't want to be a leader so whatever, he is very good with me, we are close, they have seen my face but the don't ask why at the beginning after a while the ask so I told them
-Jack: hey, Ash, can you go outside?
-Me: Yeah, what did you want?
He gives a list
-William: you know about us
-Me: of course, I look for your things
-William and Henry: thanks
-Jack: be careful out there
-Connor: come in on peace
I get out, I get with my feet it's not far away from here, I look for Jack stuff, I find them and then I look in every shop for Bill and Hank(William and Henry, they are the nickname for them)
Then I get back Bill and Hank come running to me
-Hank: you have to come inside
-Me: what happened?
-Bill: some people come and we get them in the ward and now Jack he is angry and wants to fight with them
-Me: Oh Boi, which one, ward the are?
-Hank: B3
We run inside, Hank and Bill was in front and I follow them behind
-Hank: he is back
Jack looked at me and Connor come close to me
-Jack: you alright?
-Me: yeah, I bring you, the stuff
-Jack: thanks
-Me: what happened?
He explains to me, then I get close to the people that we're here, I look and I see.....
-???: Ash?
-Me: Glenn?
-Glenn: you are alive!!!
-Me: So as you
-Jack: you know them?
-Me: oh, yeah, there are the people that I told you about
-Rick: we want to stay here, we need a safe place, my wife is pregnant
I look at Jack
-Jack: you know the rules
-Me: they have kids with them, and a pregnant woman with them, please let them stay
-Connor: what if they attack us, or want to rule over this place?
-Me: just let them stay
-Jack: fine, they can stay but it's your responsibility to look after them
-Me: yes of course
I get close to the others
-Me: you can stay here, so welcome to our new house, let me show you around
Jack and the others left for some works
-Glenn: so you choose to stay after all?
-Me: yeah, just for a while, but then they need me, I find jobs to do, so I stay
-Maggie: we are happy that we meet you again and you are safe
-Me: me too, I miss you guys
I look at the group
-Me: where are the others?
-Rick: we lost them, walkers come and we run and most of them they die
-Me: I'm sorry for your lost
I show them, where is the food and then I show them how they get out and get inside
-Jack: the rules Ash
-Me: yeah, yeah, so we don't drive attention from others, we don't bring anyone we see inside, we get safe in and out, we are careful, we said what we take from the food or stuff, so we can make some new, we try to stay alive, any questions?
-Rick: So we can go anywhere?
-Me: no, because we don't have to clean this one the G4 so anywhere you want you can go, I live at A3, and the others live at D2 and this, you can have it when you need something the first line it's me, the second is Bill, the third is Connor, the fourth is Jack and the five is Hank
We get back, I was ready to leave
-Me: oh, and something else, here it's key, it's for this zone, now I have to go, if you need something call me, I'm going out
I find a few stuff and then I get back
-Me: I found this, you made need this for the baby
-Lori: thank you
I get to my "home" and I take my stuff inside, I make new bullets, and I put them in bags, I make one more for Rick and the others and I get out, I get first to D2 and I give Jack the bullets
-Jack: Ash, don't trust someone so quickly, you made get a kill
-Me: I will be fine
I get out and I get to B3
-Me: here
-Rick: what is this?
-Me: something I made
He opens the bag
-Rick: you can make bullets?
-Me: yeah, and they are a little bit stronger than, the others
-Rick: thanks
I get out again, and then I see around for walkers, the are a few, I kill them because you never know, we can risk that
*After a Few Days*
Jack and Connor are still don't want Rick and the others, Lori give birth and she dies, Carl killer her before she became one of them, he shot her in the head, we are with Bill, Rick, Glenn, Jack, Connor, and Daryl at the G4 we have to clean it, we get inside
-Me: wait!
I said and everyone stop, then one walker come out and I take him out
-Rick: how you hear him?
-Me: I have good hearing
We continue and a lot of walkers come out, we get spilled, we kill some of them, and after a while, we find them again, and Bill was dead on the ground
-Me: what happened?
-Jack: he gets a bite, on the arm and I kill him
-Me: we can cut his arm, you idiot!!!
-Jack: no, he was a risk
-Me: what if you get a bite on the arm, then what do we kill you to?
-Jack: but I don't, so get over with it
-Me: you know what? I'm sick of you bossing me around, I help you so much, I give your damn stuff, I keep you safe and I left you for 10 minutes and you kill Bill?
-Jack: if you are sick of me, then leave
-Me: oh, yeah, then who is going to take your stuff from outside?
-Jack: I send Hank
-Hank: if Ash leave, I'm going with him
-Jack: oh, okay, then leave
-Me: if I leave, you are going to die, in seconds or maybe in days, but you will die because I always save your ass
-Connor: Ash, come on, relax, okay, we can make it again from begin
I just get out and me and Hank I take Bill out, and we buried him, then Jack try to send a trap to Rick and the others the gun come to my hands
-Jack: come on, Ash give me the gun
-Rick: no, Ash give it to me
-Me: I'm tired to save your ass all the time
I take out the bullet and split it into three pieces, I throw it to the ground and I left
Rick kill Jack and Connor, I was with Hank, we take care of the garden of vegetables and, we look at the others
-Hank: what will do? I'm sure they want to be the boss here now
-Me: At first I didn't care about who will become boss, but when they come we lost a friend, so no I don't want to boss me around because we all end up dead
We lock the garden and we get the food inside, I take the food there
-Me: from now on, I will bring your food here, so I can know what I get, you can ask whatever you want but it's better and safe for you to give the food because you never know if it's a walker out there, or in the food, so we have to be careful
-Rick: Okay, whatever you want

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