-Chapter 12-

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Lucinda's Pov

     "Brat it's time to wake up, Harolds here to pick you up" I say while banging on the door.

      After 2 minutes of not responding I barge in, "What do you think your doing, ignoring me like that!"

      Then as soon as I look around the room I realize that she's not here. Did they finally find her? No, no the little shit must of ran away! Fuck I promised Harold he could have her ever since he first met her as a child.

     "HAROLD!" I say while running down stairs.

     "What where's my bride!" He said angrily.

      "That little bitch ran away! As soon as she crossed the boarders Daemon would of felt her presence again! SHES GONE!" I yelled.

      This made Harolds face turn blazing red, "You promised her too me, SHES MINE!" He yelled back.

      "Now we are going to work together and get my fucking bride back, because you owe me from setting you free from hell! He continued.

      "Fuck fine we will kidnap that bitch back and you can have her but then we are done! No more holding that against me! Deal?" I asked

      "As long as I get my women back than I don't give  a fuck with what you do." He said happily.

      "Ok so now all we have to do is wait and come up with the perfect plan!" I say darkly making him laugh like a maniac.

Daemons Pov

      "Oh definitely, she will definitely look delicious in this." I hum to my demons.

Dorian- "Go make our little girl try it on

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Dorian- "Go make our little girl try it on."

Aaron- "Yes our darling mate will look good enough to eat!"

Roman- "Wait, put the little pet in that white choker we picked out for her, the one with the lace and pearls."


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