-Chapter 22-

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Thank you guys for your comments, especially @pineapplepwin who gave me some great ideas for the story and so this chapter is inspired by some of your suggestions!

Romans Pov

Flashback, 100 000 years ago

Blood. That's all I can smell. Taste. See.

I've been apart of an ongoing war within Hell. Some demons decided time was over for Lucifer rein and of course I'm Lucifers strongest demon so I was leading his army to victory.

   It was getting old though, the fighting and chaos, I wanted something else, needed to find the thing that complete me, to give me purpose in my meaningless life.

  So I left. After I defeated the enemy I told Lucifer I needed a vacation he finally agreed but with a price, I would need to come back and find a host within the next 500,000 years, I was glad he gave me lots of time for this trip, I would definitely need time to find my meaning, my purpose.

   So here I am now, 80,000 years later, still roaming Earth to find it, or maybe them.

   It's been a long time, I've start to given up hope, I never was patient.

   Every few years I move to a different region within the human realm to avoid suspicion.  The Humans don't now of our kind so I have to be careful.

   This time I arrived at a small village with a total population of 50 people. I usually would try and find a place with more people but something was drawing me here.

   Maybe it was the peace and quiet the place gave off, or how beautiful the location is. But whatever is was I just knew I had to come here.

    I started to roam the forest to try and find a lake to bathe in. But I was distracted by a little giggle.

   Turning around to see who it was but no one was there. I turn back around but feel something grab my leg. Looking down I see a small creature, I small human girl with frilly blonde hair and blue eyes.

  My, my she did look angelic for such a small thing. I went to speak but she suddenly let go and ran away, I followed her as she skipped along a trail until she brought us to a waterfall. Pointing to it with a silly grin on her face.

   She then runs over to a basket that's near by full of clothes and starts to wash them, humming a beautiful tune as she continues her chore.

  She could be no older than 5, why is she alone, something bad could of happened to her. That thought alone brought chills to my spine.

  "What's your name?" I finally ask her but never received an answer.

   She looked up at me confused before speaking gibberish to herself. I suppose no one taught the little human to speak.

  I looked at her and gave her a come here motion with my finger.

   She quickly dropped her things and ran to me before looking up at me with wide eyes.

  Damn I'm obsessed over a 5 year old what the hell is wrong with me? She just seems to belong to me, like she's mine. Maybe this is my purpose in life, to cherish her and keep her.

   "You belong to me now do you understand?" I tell her but she only looks up at me confused, tilting her head slightly before mumbling incoherent words.

  "Mmmh I'll take that as a yes, and since you don't speak and can't tell me your name I'll think of something to call you ok?" I tell her which she nods her head to, so she can understand me, good. I will teach her to speak soon.

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