✨🌸__.Chapter 1.__🌸✨

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A/N: Before I start this story, please recommend this to your friends who is interested in this kind of book! It would mean a lot to me. <3

"Hyuka, you're too obsessed with him." Beomgyu said as he put his hand one of his pockets.

"No I'm not!" HueningKai denied and blushed as he crossed his arms.

"Well, what're you gonna do with that flower?" Han asked.

"Are you seriously asking that? Of course I'm going to give it to him!" HueningKai said and rolled his eyes.

HueningKai looked at the tall bunny boy from far away talking to their squirell liked boy.

"Hyung, he's so handsome!" Hueningkai said and hide his blushing cheeks with Beomgyu rolling his eyes on the back.

"Stay away from him, he's mine." A voice was heard behind the three of them.

"Ugh not you again, Yeonjun." Hueningkai said while gritting his teeth and glaring at the other.

"Oh just to remind you, honey boo. You will not win him, I will." Yeonjun said as he put both of his arms on the younger's shoulders while smirking.

The pink haired boy walked away.

"Geez, he's so annoying.." Han rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms looking at the pink haired boy.

"Glad you think the same." HueningKai said while glaring at the pink haired boy flirting with the tall bunny boy.

And then there's always that one shipper on the back, Beomgyu. He was giggled quietly not trying to be loud.

"Hyung, why are you giggling?" HueningKai asked and turned around as he looked at the older.

"Owh, uhm.. nothing?" Beomgyu said and grins at the young boy.

The three of them run to their classes as they heard the bell rings.

-In class-

Beomgyu and HueningKai was sitting nex to each other, the older watch as the younger grabbed a notebook and ripped one of the empty page.

"Hyuka, what are you doing?" Beomgyu ask the younger and saw the younger smiling at him.

"You know what I'm gonna do." HueningKai said as he hold one of his pen that has a heart shape statue at the back of it.

"Oh lover boy, don't tell me.." Beomgyu didn't finish his sentence and facepalmed.

"Of course, I'm going to do a note for him." He said and blushed as he stare at Soobin with his loving eyes.

"Oh god.." Beomgyu mumbled quietly.

"What? You think I'm too confident to just give the flower infront of him? No way." HueningKai said and rolled his eyes.

Beomgyu just sighs and looked away.

Everyone doesn't know he had a cursh on him, except his friends and Yeonjun.

-After class-

"Where's Han hyung?" Beomgyu asks while holding his phone opening a social media.

"I don't know.." HueningKai said feeling dissapointed.

"Class is over, why is he still not coming out?"Beomgyu said and raise his eyebrow.

They both talk with each other until they saw his boyfriend bring Han outside of the bathroom and kissed his forehead.

He waved at his boyfriend and make his way on both of the juniors.

"Oh hyung, don't tell me you were making out with him in the bathroom instead of going to classes." HueningKai said and glare at him, well not in a scary way but in a cute way.

Jisung laughs awkwardly while scratching his head and Beomgyu gagged.

"God you even have hickeys all over your neck, how are you going to hide it? Do you even have a turtle neck?" Beomgyu asks with disgust on his face.

"Aish, just ignore it. I don't care if people were staring at me." Jisung said rolled his eyes.

"Come on, let's go to the cafeteria." Beomgyu said.

"Wait, you guys can go. I need to do something." HueningKai said and walked back to the corridor.

Both of them nodded and went to the cafeteria without him.

HueningKai's POV:

I walked down the corridor trying to find Soobin's locker so that I can put my gifts in.

I make my way to his locker and quietly open it and put the things that I wanted to give him.

I closed it and run back to the cafeteria.


A/N: How's the first chapter?

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