✨🌸__. Chapter 2 .__🌸✨

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Yeonjun watched as HueningKai runs to the cafeteria and smirked.

He find it cute- wait no.

Yeonjun walked towards Soobin's locker to get the things from the younger boy.

He ripped off the note and keep the flower to himself, he look at the flower in his hand and smiled.

It's beautiful, the younger boy is good at finding pretty flowers.

He closed Soobin's locker and looked around while walking to the cafeteria making sure nobody is watching him on the corridor.

-At the cafeteria-

The three boys were talking to each other but one of them seems distracted.

HueningKai kept looking at the bunny boy from the distance with his loving eyes while Beomgyu and Jisung was having a conversation in front of him.

"Kai, Kaii? Hueningieee??" Han called him as he waved his hand in front of the younger's face.

"Hm? Huh? What?" HueningKai stopped looking at the boy and looked at the two in front of them.

"Are you even listening to us?" Beomgyu said and look ag him with disappointment.

"Uhh yeah?" HueningKai said nervously.

"It's obvious that you're not, you seem distracted?" Han commented with his hand under his chin.

"Gosh, Of course you're looking at that weird tall guy again.." Beomgyu said and rolled his eyes while he played with his fingers.

"Hey, don't call him a 'weird tall guy'!" HueningKai said to Beongyu as he sipped his drink.

"You guys don't even match.. You and Yeonjun match even more better." Beomgyu said being unbothered on what he just said.

HueningKai spit his drink and covered his mouth as some of the students looked at him while Han turned to Beomgyu being shooked.

"What the hell!? Me and Yeonjun will never be a thing, that guy is so annoying. I hate him, He always takes Soobin's attention!" HueningKai whisper yelled at Beomgyu as he slam the drink on the table.

"Beomgyu-ssi, you watched too many Thailand boys love dramas.." Han said as he pushed his lunch platd to the side after finishing it.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say." Beomgyu roles his eyes yet again before throwing the empty tray to the a bucket.

"Wait, Hannie hyung? Isn't Minho hyung friends with Yeonjun?" HueningKai asks the older with curious eyes.

"Mm.. well yeah.." Han said and scratch the back of his head.

"God, this is a disaster." HueningKai said and cover his face with both of his hands.

"HueningKai, tomorrow is the day where we will get our dorm keys. If you ended up being with Yeonjun, you know why." Beomgyu said and sipped his drink glancing at the younger.

"Beomgyu, shut up! If it happens, I swear I'm going to choke you." HueningKai hissed at the older.

"Hey, respect me! I'm your hyung." Beomgyu scolded jokingly.

"Oh be quiet, I'm the oldest in this friendship except kookie hyung." Han said and rolled his eyes.

"Where's Jungkook hyung anyway?" Beomgyu asks raising one of his eyebrow as he put one hand behind HueningKai's back.

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