Marvelous woman x Mjolnir Wielder

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I'm working on a title and am open to suggestions.

Any how, on with the story.

You are just going about your day. When you are approached by Thor. This takes place after Avengers.

THOR;Good afternoon (your name).

"Good afternoon to you as well)"

You said doing your best to keep your composure and not freak out.

THOR;Good job with helping out last week.

"Oh, it was an honor. Just doing my job"

THOR;Wait(points at you while squinting)I thought you were a Janitor.

"Well, yeah. I just wanted to help"

THOR;And help you did. I also was requested to invite you to this party that we are having here this Friday night at 8?

"I would love to"

THOR;Excellent, I will notify Natasha immediately.

"Oh, well. So Natasha was asking about me?"

THOR;Yes, but don't tell her I told you that she asked. I'd rather not deal with her spy shit.

"O k, but a fair warning. I am not the best with keeping secrets"

THOR;Fair enough, see you later.

He walks away.

We don't have Mjolnir yet, but we will. I  just want to have some set up to it.

Any how, on with the story.

A time skip and some 1 taps on your shoulder. So you turn around and it's.

 So you turn around and it's

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NATASHA;Hey (your name).

"Oh, hey Natasha"

NATASHA;So, looks like your going to the party this Friday.

"I guess so"

NATASHA;Good to hear.

She then walked away with a sway of her hips.

STILL NATASHA;Enjoying the view?

"I sure am"

She chuckled as she walked away.

You just stand there as she slowly leaves your view.

Another time

Your work day end and you put away your stuff for the night and go home.

Tobe continued

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