Hufflepuff's Clan

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You and Hanna sit down next to each other.

Professor Snape walks in and says what he says.

You are just doing your best to stay quiet and not do any thing to envoke Snape's wrath.

Any how, on with the story.

After potions class.

You walk up to Professor Snape.

"Excuse me, Professor Snape"

He looks at you.


"I was wondering, do you know how to become an animagus?"

PROFESSOR SNAPE;Why are you asking me a question like that? I believe Professor McGonagall would be the Professor to ask a question like that to.  The 1 that can actually transform in to an animal.

"Well, she told me that I should get back to her when I have a better grasp on magic and potions. So I thought to ask you"

PROFESSOR SNAPE;(Turns his body to face you)Well, that is interesting. Then you better make sure to pay attention in class and I just might be able to help you with that.

"Thank you very much Professor"

PROFESSOR SNAPE;Now go child. I have important business to attend to.

Hanna practically dragged you to lunch.

At lunch.

CEDRIC;So, I've heard that you are interested in becoming an animagus.

"I sure am, but how did you-

CEDRIC;'Know'? Your a 1 st year Hufflepuff that asked his 1 st 2 Professor's how to become an animagus. It doesn't take long for word to travel.

"Yeah, I guess so"

You chuckle and so does he.

CEDRIC;Don't worry, I'm sure it will work out for you.

"Thank's, I really appreciate that"

CEDRIC;No problem, any time.

HANNA;I believe in you.

"Thank's, same about you"

Cedric had a grin. Watching the 2 of you look at each other.

After that.

Hanna and you go to your next class. Which is.

The scene goes pretty much the same way.

You managed to be 1 of the 1 st few to get your broom up.

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