Hufflepuff's Clan

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A time skip

The scene goes how it does.

You and Hanna are just there. Not knowing what to say here. You didn't say anything except.

"Get well soon Harry"

Before you and the others left

You all go to the field trip.

The scene goes pretty much how it does


When Hermione asked if she's mentioned that. Ron says what he says.

Hanna is also here.

"But who's counting"

That made them chuckle.

When Hermione asked if any of wanted to get a better look at the shrinking shack.

"I wouldn't mind if-

HANNA;Please, you died last year. I don't want you going there.

The scene goes how it does.

"Your right, it was hysterical"

That made them chuckle

The scene goes pretty much how it does, except.

When Hermione pointed out the lady.

"Well, it's not very hard to see why"

Hanna and Hermione both shot you a look.

"(putting your hands up)Hey, I'm not saying I would ask her out or anything. All I'm saying it that Ron being attracted to her makes sense. That is all I'm going to say aside from you both being beautiful"

HANNA;That's better.

HERMIONE;Much better.

RON;Guys, Harry went that way.

You all attempted to follow him but get stopped by the talking shrunken heads.

So you 4 leave and wait out side.

The scene goes how it does.

Nither you nore Hanna said any thing.

A time skip

You and Hanna are walking with the Golden trio.

The scene goes pretty much how it does.

Except when Scabbars was mentioned.

"Why does it have to be Her cat? Are you telling me that no other cat or any other thing that would kill and or eat a rat, wouldn't? He could also just be in your room just hiding"

HERMIONE;Thank you for very much.

"You, are so very welcome"

The other thing you add was.

"Hey, it was Draco's own fault for offended him"

The scene pretty much continued how it did.

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