Hufflepuff's Harem

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Once at Hogwarts.

You leaned over to Harry.

"Do you think she heard some of what Draco said?"

He shruged having no idea.

After that, the sorting process starts.

Your name gets called. So you walk up and sit down in the chair.

Before the sorting hat could even touch the top of your head.


You were surprised but went where you were supposed to go.

BOY;Nice have you here, my name is Cedric.

"Thanks, happy to be here. I hope this is a right fit for me"

CEDRIC;Trust the hat, it knows what it's doing.

HANNA;Cedric's right, after all. It did sort us in the same house.

"Well, I guess your right"

A while later, the sorting process ended and this happens.

"Well, that works for me"

CEDRIC;Your lucky you weren't here last year.

"Why's that?"

CEDRIC;He gave a long speech that took a very long time.

"I would have to agree"

HANNA;Yeah, that sounds awful.

You all start eating. Then the Fat Frier shows up.

"Well, good evening to Hufflepuffs old and new. How do you all do?"

"I do be hungry"

That made Hanna and the other Hufflepuffs chuckle.

FAT FRIER;Than you beat dig in.

"Don't mind if I do"

You then start eating.

FAT FRIER;I am looking forward to seeing all of you new grow up and have fun new experiences.

With that, he floated away.

"He seems like a nice ghost"

CEDRIC;I would have to agree.

That made the 2 of you chuckle.

A time skip.

After dinner, you all go to your houses. You then get to your dorm with all your things already in there with Mr. Bigglesworth on your bed.

CEDRIC;Well, looks like your cat likes it here.

"I guess so, good night"

You 2 then get to bed and go to sleep.

Harem female characters x Male reader Where stories live. Discover now