《 𝘼𝙜𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙘 》(3)

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"Okay" you took a deep breath and opened up your stream "Hey guyssss! Llana here, today I'm going to playing Among Us with my friend Poki! I think there will be some other streamers too, including Rae, Corpse, Pewds, Jack, and Toast!" 

MELLOWKITTY09: I can't wait!

user: I really liked you're cover!

radicalpublisher: Let's go! I hope you get imposter!

Esren09837: c(*_*c)

Simplyeligibleb3ast: YAYYY I LOVE RAE

You started to log into Among Us using the code Poki texted you a few moments ago, making sure to hide it from the viewers. You slipped on your headphones and joined the VC, a numerous amount of voices flooded your headset.


"It's not MY fault!"

"I still can't belive it!"

"Who's the new chick? Llana?"

The room went quiet when they noticed another member. 

"HIII LLANA" Poki cheered

"Whats up?" you say, anticipating what was to come. 

"Nice voice" a baritone cut through the mess of "hi's" and "hello's" 

"Thanks," you smirked "You as well"

"Wait-" Toast remarked, "does Corpse have a secret twin we don't know about?"

The entire group laughed, and you did as well, you felt included. You felt that you belonged. 

MELLOWKITTY09: I mean, you and Corpse do have similar voices so it's a possibility, lol

user69: GO DIE BITCH

corpselvr096: Do u know Corpse_Husband? Do u know his face?

Ghostintheroast: Face reveal for Corpse? NEver gonna happen

Moderator: Innapropiate messages will get you removed from chat. Play nice!

user: Fucking bitch

It wasn't too long into the first round when a message caught your eye, you obviously tried not to read the bad ones... but this one was covered in emoji's so it was difficult to ignore. It read, "go fucking kill yourself, get a life, stop feeding off of other's success"

You weren't gonna lie, it hurt, so you ran to engine (in the game, ofc) and took a couple of deep breaths. You back read some of the chat and said "Y'all need to fucking stop asking about Corpse's face, it's really disrespectful, and honestly I bet it get's pretty tiring for him! No, I don't know what he looks like, hell he just commented on one of my vids. Some of y'all need to get a life, honestly. He's probably going through so much shit right now and some of y'all are making it worse." 

qwerty123: sorry 

user091: *left the stream*

radicalpublisher: yeah, it sucks Llana, I wish ppl didn't act like that

user: *this message has been deleted*

Simplyeligibleb3ast: sorry, llana the llama


Corpse POV


Proximity chat was on this round, which you had to be careful about, because you talk to your chat alot, and it sometimes gets you in trouble. You had just killed Toast in Weapons and was venting over to Engine when you heard a raspy voice. " just commented on one of my vids. Some of y'all need to get a life, honestly. He's probably going through so much shit right now and some of y'all are making it worse." You smiled, Llana was sticking up for you. 

Now you kinda regrets commenting on her video now, cause her chat will be flooded with fangirls. Laughing to yourself, you pop out of the vent on the bottom side of engine and walk over to her "Whaddup baby" you smirk, and Llana gasps and then giggles. "Fuck, Corpse you scared me, lmao. It's not often I hear someone with a voice like mine. It'll  take a little bit to get used to." 

"Yeah" you reply "I'm suprised too.... also, how often do you get comments on your voice?"

"Heh," she says "I would say often. Alot of people think I'm faking my illnesses and shit, basically hopping on your success train they say. I actually did alot of research about you before I covered Agoraphobic... I feel like it helped me understand you alot more, before I sung your song, ya'know? I didn't start Youtube because I heard you... I started it because..."

"you don't have much time left to live," you finished the sentence, and then snapped Llana's neck.

"Heh... yeah, pretty much" you hear her fading into the background. Muting herself on the discord she started talking to the chat, you know this becuase you have her stream pulled up on the other monitor, as soon as you saw her in Engine, you opened it. You noticed her facial features got really tight when she started talking about her illness, honestly it's relateable you think to yourself.

Her chat is brutal, not as bad as your own, but you still felt the need to defend her. You turn your among us character facing the wall, a sign you were AFK and glanced at her stream. 

user69: Well that got depressing real fast, lmao

corpselvr096: We love your Llana stay strong gurl!

Ghostintheroast:  We have ya thru thick n thin

user: Die ugly bitch

Corpse_Husband: It's okay, I get you ;) Also, for all you fuckers who are calling her illness fake, go get a life. I have the exact same goddamn ones and it's not a laughing matter. 

MELLOWKITTY09: Hi Corpse! Thx for sticking up for Llana!


radicalpublisher: Let's go! What's up Corpse!!

Esren09837: omg hi Corpse!!

Simplyeligibleb3ast: You got this Llana it's okay!

"Thanks Corpse" you blushed a little bit, and spectated him for the rest of the game. 

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