《 𝘼𝙜𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙘 》(epilogue)

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2 years later

You visit her grave, like you did every Sunday, kneeling, placing fresh flowers in the vase and taking out the old ones.

You brought her book with you. The one that she was writing when you first met, filled with the stories she had planned to tell but never could. You got it published for her, of course, as a way of remembering her, of being able to hold her close.

"Hey L-Llana"

Your voice has gotten worse over the years, you didn't use it for months after Llana died. You stopped making music, stopped streaming. You only posted to Twitter once a month, saying nothing more than a "hey."

The fans went crazy over it, asking when you'd be back, but you still didn't have an answer to that. All you could do to stay sane now Is rewatch her videos. You can quote almost all of them.

Sitting in front of her gravestone, your tears start to spill. You still can't believe that she's gone. 

The comp... the complications from the accident injured her lungs and stomach, and in addition to the cancers and all the other shit that fucked up her body... she couldn't make it.

You had sat by her bedside for days, weeks even, while she slowly clung onto life. It seemed as if she was getting better too, there was more light in her eyes, more blush on her cheeks, but that night, whilst you were drifting off into a light sleep, an alarm startled you. 

Yet it wasn't an alarm, more of a rapid beeping, and then the rushing of doctors into the room, shoving you out of the way, trying to keep her alive. 

Hearing a twig snap behind you, you snap out of reminiscing. 

Glancing behind you, Poki is there, you panicked for a moment, but realized that you still had your mask and beanie on, so she wouldn't be able to see your face as much. 

She sits next to you and slowly places a hand on your knee, "are you alright?" 

"Doing better. Slowly but surely"

"You know we're here for you okay? Anything you need."


With that, Poki walked away and you pulled a notebook out of the bag you brought with you.

Humming a tune that's been stuck in your head for a few days, you start to write down some lyrics that fit it.

Wish I didn't miss her so much
Knew that this would happen, fuck love

Break a mirror, yeah, fuckin' break a mirror
Glass shatter, gums bleed, off the fuckin' Everclear

Eyes red, mind race, fuckin' wish that you were here
I was fucking hopin' it'd be different this year

After a few more random scribbles, you sat your notebook down and told Llana about your day, how you'd gotten a cat, how your physical therapy appointments were going, how you were slowly easing back into society. 

You can't handle cars anymore, at least, not driving them. You have friends drive you to and from appointments and whenever you need to go out. 

You place Llana's book in your lap. Picking up where you left off, on page 139. You had reached the part in her book when she starts talking about her ex. You can barely stomach reading it though, the things that she did to Llana are unspeakable.

After sitting for a few moments, gazing blankly at the page, you go onto her Instagram and look at the last photo she posted. It was of the two of you, your hands at least. It was in black and white, and your hand completely enveloped hers. It was taken on your way out of the hotel, on the same night... that she got hurt. 

She had tagged you and the comments went crazy.

Everyone was making accusations and rumours were still spreading, but you didn't care anymore. 

You love.. loved Llana.

She was your everything

And at this point...

you're never sure if you'll be able to love again.

You placed everything in your bag, and as you stand up to leave, the sky opened up and started to rain. 

Almost as if it knew...



So... that's it

Drop any questions that you might have if you want me to answer them.

If you want me to go into a full explanation about what happened to Llana with her ex... that's doable

But yeah, this is my first ever finished story, and I really hope you guys liked it!!

Don't forget to vote, and add it to your lists so it can be seen by more people!! <3 

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