chapter six

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Laying on her bed afrah stare blankly at the wall as she slightly wipe away her tears, she didn't know what to do, it's very clear that her uncle will never pay attention to her, after a lot of thought afrah decided she need to do something because she already loss her virginity to her uncle and in her own perspective it's only fair if he loves her back.

"Afrah."lailah call and open the door.

"Yes anty."afrah answer sitting upright and her aunt snort.

"Come down and help me in the kitchen,
Always in your bedroom doing nothing."lailah grumble making her niece to chuckle as she trail behind her.

Closing the kitchen cabinet, jalal remove the mayonnaise as he sing along the song playing in his earpod.
It's been two days since afrah confessed her love and what happened the previous day when he was drunk but jalal care less about it this isn't the first time a lady say she love him and he's sure it won't be the last but lailah will always be the only lady in his life.

"Honey."lailah say touching him and remove the earpod making him to frown.

"Can you take afrah to the groceries shop nearby maybe kitchen world I will start preparing the dishe before you two come back."lailah say collecting the spoon from her husband who sigh.

You two should go I'm not in the mood to go out today, besides you know how much i hate groceries shopping."Jalal say and lailah roll her eyes bored.

Good afternoon uncle jalal."afrah say stealing a glance at her uncle who grumble evening under his breathe.

"Make sure you buy everything on that list, your uncle will pay for everything."lailah say untying her husband apron and he sigh.

"I love you."he say and hug his wife pressing a soft kiss on her forehead making afrah to turn her gaze away as she feel a lump of jealousy constrict in her chest.

Jalal exit the kitchen, he pick the GLk450 key from the couch in the parlour and leave the parlour as he hear the faint footsteps trailing behind him.


Afrah glance at her uncle who seems unbother by her presence as he drive humming along the music playing in the car.

"Uncle j."afrah call and jalal ignore her as he tap his hand on the steering not wanting to listen to her.

"Uncle jalal."afrah call again making him to halt by the road side with a sigh.

Whatever happened between us or should I say with you was a mistake,
I don't love you and I'm sorry i have to say it to your face but that's exactly how i feel towards you and about that night it was a mistake one that i wishe I can rectify but I'm so sorry you have to be the victim, if there's anything i can do to make you keep that little dirty secret then I will gladly do it because in all honesty i don't want my wife to find out about it."jalal say seriously with his gaze fix on the road.

Afrah release a heavy breathe as she admire her uncle sideways view his thick sideburns perfectly lush as he slightly use his tongue to wet his dry lips making her to sigh.

"I love you uncle jalal,
All my life i have never seen a man that caught my attention except you,
I'm not even angry with what happened that night and I know that's because it was with you,

"Look at me afrah."jalal snap making a fist as he turn and face afrah.
"I don't love you and nothing in this world can make me fall in love with you,
lailah is my life and I will do anything to keep my wife with me,
I don't care wether you are her only niece if you will be the reason to tear us apart then be ready to face the consequences."jalal say more like warn making afrah to chuckle with a head shake.

"I don't mind sharing you with my aunty and I'm sure she wouldn't mind besides you need a baby in your life who knows i will be the mother to your unborn babies."afrah say staring intensely at her uncle with soo much affection.

Jalal snort and continue driving wondering how and when things become soo strange and complicated between him and his wife niece, he halt at the grocery store with an exhausted sigh making afrah to smile weakly at him.

"Uncle j."afrah call but jalal pick his phone and continue going through his gallery trying to ignore afrah, once she exit the car jalal sigh in relief muttering some supplication to himself as his mind wander to his wife.

Issa short chappy but managed it 😘.
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