chapter eight

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Laying on the hospital bed lailah stare worriedly at her niece as her husband massage her reassuringly on the shoulder.

"What am I going to say to my sister?
Just two month in my house and she's been sick and I don't even know."lailah say guilty as jalal sigh.

" baby she will be fine.
Come one the doctor assure us it's nothing serious to worry about, so stay calm and let's wait for the feedback from him , she's sleeping "jalal say and glance at afrah who's peacefully sleeping on the hospital bed.

The door to the hospital room open and they both turn there gaze and lailah sigh I'm relief at the doctor expression.

" doctor please is she going to be fine?
What happened to her?"Lailah ask looking at the doctor as jalal help her up.

"Well can we go to my office?
So we won't disturb her since she's asleep." The doctor say and they all exit the room with the doctor leading there way, jalal slightly hold his wife as they trail begin him to the office.

You can have a sit." The doctor say gesturing to the two office chair as he sit on his own chair behind the large desk.

Please doctor don't hide anything from us,
Is she going to be fine?" Lailah ask and the doctor smile as he clear his throat.

"Ma,am, sir.
She's fine.
Is she your daughter?" He ask and jalal clear his throat.

"Yes sir.
She's our daughter." Jalal answer as he hold his wife hand.

"Is she married?" He ask and they all look at him confused.

"Nooo." They say in unison and the doctor node.

The reason I'm asking you it's because the test result here shows your daughter is two months pregnant." The doctor say and jalal for some reason feel his heart drop.

"She's what?" Lailah ask looking a the doctor he node and hand her the test result and lailah go through it as she feel every piece of her heart shattering into pieces.

Afrah is pregnant?
Ohhh my god
Baby." Lailah say as she breakdown in tears.

The doctor excuse them and leave the office as jalal comfort his wife assuring her everything will be perfectly fine.
After what seems like forever which is just 20minutes lailah stop crying and they both leave the office.

Staring at the hospital wall afrah wonder how she ended up here, the last thing she could remember was standing from the kitchen stool, the throbbing headache makes her close her eyes shut as the room door open making her to open her eyes and they land on her aunty and her husband.

"How are you feeling now?" Lailah ask with a weak smile and afrah node.

"How are you feeling!" Jalal ask and afrah node not looking at him.

"Baby can you stay with her?
So i can go bring something for her to eat from home, she hasn't eat anything since morning not even her breakfast." Lailah say and jalal glance at afrah and look at his wife.

"I will just go and buy something for the both of you, you also need to rest." Jalal say but lailah decline as she insist on him staying in the hospital with afrah and she go home to prepare a healthy food for her niece, after a lot of argument jalal is left with no choice than to let his wife leave much to his displease.

"You are pregnant and please don't try to create a scene by saying it's mine." Jalal say after minutes of silent.

Afrah turn her gaze to her uncle who is going through his phone as do he didn't say anything and she shake her head.

"Uncle j.
I was a virgin when you raped me,
I love you but it wasn't my intention to make that happened yet I didn't even for once regret that unfortunate event, maybe it was a mistake to you but to me, it was my beautiful mistake because this baby is yours and I'm not going to lie about it, I'm going to tell aunty lailah everything that happened because I can't let my child grow without a father's love just because of your own selfish reason." Afrah say making jalal to drop the phone on his lap.

I look nice right?" He ask staring at her and he smile shaking his head.
I'm very dangerous when it comes to anything that will keep my wife away from me, I will do anything when I say anything I mean I don't mind killing you or the stupid thing you are calling me the father to it, I don't mind, I'm not going to beg you not to tell your aunty because you are to small for me to do that, do whatever you want to do but remember, I jalal promised you that from the very moment you tell your aunty I'm the father of that thing your nightmare begins and if you think I'm joking.
Dare me afrah. "Jalal say staring into afrah eyes with soo much hatred.

" uncle j.
Regardless anything you will do or say to me I will love you because I don't know how and why God chooses to put me in this situation but I have never love someone soo much just by looking at them, from the very first day I saw you i find myself helplessly in love with you it's stupid of me but i can't help it."afrah say and jalal snort.

"If you cost me my marriage afrah I will make sure I .........

" I'm back already. "Lailah say and push the door open with the food bag.

" that's quick."jalal say and collect the food bag from his wife.

"Yeah." Lailah say and smile weakly at her niece as she sit on the chair next to her husband.

"How are you feeling now?"lailah ask and afrah node.

" better. "Afrah say and lailah node.

" should i serve you the food? Lailah ask and afrah shake her head.

The room become quiet the atmospher fill with tension as everyone is lost and engrossed in there thoughts.

"Afrah." Lailah call with a pause
I know my sister very well and i believe she has done her best as a mother,
I don't know,
But maybe you have a significant reason for doing everything,
Afrah will you do me a favor and tell me how you become pregnant, I'm also a mother to you, the doctor told us you are pregnant and I'm very much sure you know who is responsible for it."lailah say staring at her niece who's gaze seems to be on the wall but they are strained pinn on her uncle who seems unbother by the situation.

I need comments, please just pen down your opinion, idea or even a criticism and it will guide me on what to write next.

Do you all think afrah will say the truth?
Will jalal ever love afrah?

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