chapter 11

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Two days passed and there isn't a single trace about his wife, jalal have gave alot of people money to search for his wife yet no one has a significant information about her, he do spend this entire two days in there bedroom moping and talking to himself blaming the misfortune of his life to himself, lailah was his life she was everything to him, she changed him to who he is now and if by any chance he loss her he's sure his life will be back to scrappy shit that it was.

You need to come back to me." Jalal say to the picture as he frenzily laugh smoking the brownish substance.

He pick the white paper and sniff in the white substances through his nose as he laugh, he looks like a maniac for the past two days he's been abusing any sort of substance, he do skunk himself everyday to extend he would passed out yet he will wake up and he would continue, he's like a different person, a different jalal the very old jalal.

"Damn it."he say hitting his head hard with his hand as he stand up, staggering and crash back on the floor and he passed out on the floor.

Sitted in her bedroom afrah sigh as she stare at her reflection in the mirror for the past two days she's been trying her aunt contact yet it's always switch off and eventually give up, she hasn't go to work and nobody even cares to call from her work place, the fact that she spend the entire day everyday in the parlour so she would see her uncle yet she wouldn't even see a glimpse of him makes her crazy.
Afrah careless about the pregnancy, do she's always having this intense morning sickness and fatigue but all that doesn't even seems to bother her than the fact that she want to see her uncle.

Coming out of her bedroom she walk to the very bedroom she do always anticipate to see, for the past 3months she's been in this house she hasn't even for once step foot into her aunt bedroom which makes her even more curious to how it actually looks like.

" uncle j."Afrah knock softly on the door but there's no answer.

"Uncle j it's me, afrah." She say knocking on the door again.

After minutes of knocking and there isn't a reply she decide to try the door knob and it open, she push open the door and step into the bedroom.

The large bedroom with the very big circle bed in the middle, this rumple bedsheet and the scatter clothes and broken glasses makes her cringe at the sight.

"Uncle j." She call looking around the scattered bedroom.

She walk around the bedroom admiring the beautiful black marble paint with the giant portrait of her aunt.

"Uncle j." Afrah call and enter the closet, her dropped at the sigh as the oozing smell of weed and other harmful substance can make any sane person person insane.

The black kit full of marijuana,pills, injections and cigrattes with some other things which afrah is even clueless with the multiple bottle of alcohol makes afrah sick to her stomach as she vomit the content of breakfast she do ate that morning, her eyes wander back to her uncle who's passed out on the floor.

"Uncle j." Afrah call touching him but he didn't budge, she close the kit and go back to the bedroom.
Afrah neatly arrange the bedroom before going back to the closet, she drag jalal body to the bedroom and use all her energy to put him on the bed and sigh tiredly.

"I can't believe he's a drug addict." Afrah say to herself as she open the black kit picking and staring weirdly at each substance, she close the kit with a sigh and put it back in a drawer she see open and close it with a sigh.

Afrah spend an hour cleaning the bedroom and after what seems like forever she's satisfy by how it looks and she leave the bedroom to the kitchen.

Pain is the first thing that wakes up, the intense headache makes jalal groan as he slightly open his eyes confusedly staring at the wall of the bedroom.

"How the fuck did i get here?" He say with a groan and sit upright as he scan weirdly at the neat bedroom.

Lailah is back,
She's going to kill me." He say and run to the closet.

He stand with a sigh at how neat everywhere is as he mentally courses himself for stupidly going back to drugs as he try making up of a what he would say to his wife.

The bedroom door shut close and he rush back inside but stop by the closet door.

"Uncle j." Afrah say holding the tray of food with a smile.
"You are awake." She say looking at him and he facepalm.

"Leave my bedroom.
Who the fuck give you the right to come into my bedroom." Jalal say pointing at afrah who's staring at him.


" leave."jalal say pointing at the door but afrah stand staring at him and he snort.

"Uncle j.
I'm sorry if I'm the reason you....

" ofcrse you are the reason afrah.
You are the reason behind everything going on in my life,
You ruined my marriage and now i can't stop taking this stupid shit again,
You are a curse in my life afrah,
My wife left me bacause of your selfish reason,
I thought you were innocent lovely girl,
I was wrong you are your very own Lucifer , you ladies are all same except for my lailah yet you make her leave me because of your selfish reason. "Jalal say as he angrily hit His head.

" leave my bedroom before i do something crazy."he say making afrah to sigh.

She drop the tray of food on the bed

"Hey come and pick your shit." He say and flip the tray making afrah to look at him confused.

"It won't change the fact that i love you." Afrah say with a painful smile.
"I don't know uncle j.
I don't know your story but i know you can never love me because my aunt means everything to you, I just saw you and i fall in love is that crime?
Nobody will understand me, even i myself don't know how and when it all happened but i just find myself in love with you,
You are my uncle and.........
Afrah try finding a word but don't know what to say.

" I'm sorry. "She say and pick the tray and the plates exiting out if the bedroom.

Jalal sigh and smack his head with his hand with a sigh, his phone beep gaining his attention and he pick it from the bed.

" take care of my niece jalal,
Don't bother search for me because you won't find me."
Xo lily.

He fling the phone shattering it into piece's as he storm to the closet removing the kit from the drawer and flip it open, he remove the cocaine mixing it with a red substances and swallow it, he pick the injection draw in the content into a syringe and inject it into his laps as he feels his vision blurring.

"Uncle j." Is the very last word he heard before he black out.

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Uncle j please don't hurt yourself for me even me i get crush on you no be only afrah.

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