I have been able to divide the people in my school into 4 main groups and many subgroups. They are
~ Pops
~ Semi-Pops
~ Wanna-Pops
~ Non-PopsThe Pops are your stereotypical popular girls and guys. The ones that everyone worship, and the ones at the top of the social ladder. They tend to be the most stuck-up. They are also the smallest group.
The Semi-Pops are below the Pops, and tend to form their own cliques based on common interest. (Some examples: Sporties [the ones that watch sports], Jocks [the ones that actually play them], Pretties [the ones obsessed with fashion]). Some Semi-Pops are subservient to the Pops, others are on their own.
The Wanna-Pops are the Pops and Semi-Pop's henchmen. They are desperately trying to climb the social ladder, and will do almost anything to please their Pop and Semi-Pop overlords. As there is a limited number of Pop and Semi-Pop seats, the Wanna-Pops tend to be the meanest and scrappiest of the groups, even committing mutiny to secure their place.
The Non-Pops are the lowest, the loners, the nerds, the freaks. They have no interest in a higher social standing, and they simply are invisible to the higher groups. Usually, when someone falls into the Non-Pop group, they have a hard time getting out.
Echo Update
AcakThis is basicly going to be my diary that I rant on and share things that may or may not intrest you. You have been warned.