Chapter 13| The Last Warrior

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Arianna, Achilles and Cassandra has returned to the cave. Achilles lifted Cassandra and continued their journey. Arianna felt something was strange and unusual. She then started to search for her family, Fina and Clara to tell the good news abount finding the third warrior.

Dad? We're home. Fina? Clara? Where are you? Arianna was confused.

Achilles and Cassandra searched the whole cave to look for Fina, Clara and Arianna's family but has not found them. Achilles thought to use the Shield of Hope to search for them.

Shield of Hope, I would like to ask for your help again to see the place where Fina, Clara and Manolo is staying. Achilles pleaded.

Arianna, Cassandra and Achilles waited for the response of the Shield. The Shield of hope suddenly lighted and showed Fina and Arianna's siblings, Abegail and Miguel. They saw Fina holding Arianna's siblings and some peaces of bananas while walking back towards the biggest oak tree. Fina built a shelter made of dried leaves and thick stems under the tree. Abegail and Miguel were crying while Fina was trying to comfort the two.

Dad is gone. Arianna has not yet retuned. What should we do now Miguel? Abegail tearfully asked.

I dont know Abegail...I dont know. Miguel answered.

Im still here children. Fina assured the two. As long as I am with you, I will protect you. I am your mother now and you are my children. Do not loose hope. Eveything will be okey. Heros is back and i know Arianna and the rest can help us end this sufferings.

Arianna was curious about what happened in the cave. She was also thinking why the shield of hope did not showed Clara and her father.

Achilles, can we ask the shield of  hope to show where my father is? and what happend to the cave? Arianna asked. Achilles agreed and nodded.

Achilles asked the shield of hope to show what happened to Manolo. The shield of hope glowed up and showed the events happened in  the cave.

Arianna burst out to tear after watching the traggic events in the cave and learning the passing of his father. Cassandra asked Achilles to bring her to Arianna. Cassandra gave Arianna a big hug and comfort her.

I should be here. I should have protected my father.  I know he was sick but I choose to left them.

You left them Arianna because of a purpose. Cassandra replied, A purpose not only for yourself but for the whole Marivellos. Stop blaming yourself Arianna. Its not your fault. No one knows what can happened to us. We cannot predict our lives Arianna. The best thing that we can do is to accept it and move forward. Think about your siblings. They need you. Be their strength. Be strong for them. Be a sister that they need you to be.

Arianna thought of her siblings. She realized what Cassandra has adviced her. Arianna hugged Cassandra tightly. Achilles asked if he can join the two.

You might dropped Cassandra Achilles! Arianna shouted.

Oh I almost forgot! Achilles replied.

Hahahhaha! The three laugh there heart out.

We are here for you Arianna. We are family. Achilles said.

Thank you Achilles, Cassandra. I do not know what to do if i have not met the both of you. Cassandra, its nice to got you on board. Arianna was relieve and trying to slowly accept the loss of her father.  So, lets start finding the last warrior so we can start saving this wounded planet. Cassandra said.

Achilles asked Cassandra to to raise the Sword of Light. They was ready to transport them when a lightning strike suddenly appeared.

Greetings my children.Heros suddenly appeared along with a Marivellian girl.

Heros! Arianna shouted and bowed. Achilles and Cassandra followed.

Hello Arianna. Achiles, Cassandra. It is nice to see and finally meet you. Heros smiled while looking at the two. Achilles and Cassandra was stunned upon knowing that Heros knew them instantlly. While Heros was approaching them, Achilles was disturbed as the Sword of Light as it continued to lit up and was moving towards the Marivellian girl direction.

Children, i want you to meet Karina. Heros said. The Sword of light suddenly went to Karina and lit up so brightly.

The three children was amazed and said synchronously, The last warrior.

to be continued..

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