Chapter 9| Hello New Friend

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Achilles!! Achilles! Where are you? Arianna did not stop to find Achilles. While she was looking for her friend, she can't also stop thinking about her father.

Arianna talked to herself and said, I wish I can see my father. I hope they are okey. She then felt her heart was struck by a lightning upon thinking of her father. She paused for a moment and continued to look for Achilles.

It was already morning whe the storm finally stopped. Cassandra tried to look for a food until she saw a woman from afar. She hid behind the coconut tree but the woman seems to noticed her presence.

Hello! the woman said.

Cassandra did not respond.

Hi... I'm Arianna. I'm not a bad person. I've been looking for my friend. Have you seen a teenage boy probably the same age as mine, with a dark brown eyes and a black short hair? He got lost in the ocean because of the heavy storm last night. Cassandra was hesitant to approached Arianna but thought of Achilles when she described the person she was looking for.

Ahh... Cassandra felt very shy upon seeing Arianna.

Ohh.. Arianna was shocked to see Cassandra wearing only pieces of banana leaves to cover her body. She then thought that Cassandra is a native Labanoan.

Arianna hugged Cassandra and cheerfully greeted her.

Hello, I'm Arianna.

Hi.. I'm Cassandra. Ahhm I think I know who are you looking for. Follow me.

Arianna was delighted to know the possibility of finding Achilles safe and alive. She followed Cassandra until she saw Achilles laying under the coconut tree.

Achilles!!! Arianna shouted.

Achilles saw Arianna and tried to stand up. He felt a little pain in his forehead and pressed it with his finger to somehow lessen the pain.

Achilles shouted, Arianna!!! I'm here!!!

Arianna run as fast as she can upon seeing Achilles and hugged him tightly.

I thought I will not see you again. Arianna cried and frowned.

You missed me already? Hahaha Dont' you know Arianna? I have 9 lives. I cannot die so easily. Achilles boastfully replied to Arianna.

Whatever. Arianna said. She noticed Achilles' head and asked How's that injury in your head?

It's a piece of cake. Achilles replied. Cassandra heard it and can't stop to laugh silently.

Arianna and Achilles suddenly glanced to Cassandra.

If I know it's Cassandra who baked that cake for you hahahah!

Achilles' face turned red. Ohh it seems that you know each other already. Yes, Cassandra saved me last night. I owe my life to her. Cassandra, thank you.

Cassandra smiled and nodded.

Ariannna noticed the Sword of Light was continuosly moving up and glowing. She brought it out and the Sword suddenly flew above Cassandra.

Arianna and Achilles stared to Cassandra and both said. It's you!

Cassandra was curious, What about me guys?

Arianna explained, Heros was looking for warriors that can save Marivellos to Drakulo. The Sword of Light has saw the purity of your heart that's why its glowing on top of your head.

Me? as a warrior? how? why? Cassandra asked Achilles and Arianna.

Achilles replied, we have to stick together and find the 4 magical treasures of Marivellos. We have found the 1st treasure, the Golden Leaf.

Arianna brought out the Golden Leaf and showed it to Cassandra.

So? this is magical? what does it do? Cassandra questioned Achilles and Arianna.

That we still do not know. We need to complete the treasures and present it to Heros. Then, we do not know what will happened next. Arianna replied.

What other treasures? where can we find it? Can we find in in Purity? My mom is in Purity and I hope I can see her there.

The other 3 magical treasures are The Shimmering Stone, The Pearl White Feather and The Crystal Clear Pearl. We are also from Purity Cassandra. We will help you find your mother replied by Arianna.

Thank you so much. Cassandra felt excited and happy that finally she can see her mom with the help of her new friends.

But.. Arianna.. Did you say Crystal Clear Pearl as of one the magical treasures?

Yes you are right. Arianna replied.

Oh my...Cassandra was shocked.

Achilles asked Cassandra. Why Cassandra? Do you know where the Crystal Clear Pearl is?

Cassandra narrated. I'm a mermaid. I wanted to have legs to find my mom in Purity. A Sea Enchantress helped me to have a pair of legs in exchange to my necklace. That necklace was given by my mom when I was a baby. It's the Crystal Clear Pearl.

Achilles said, then we have to find that Sea Enchantress and retrieve the necklace.

It's not easy. The Sea Enchantess is very powerful. Cassandra answered.

We have no choice. We have to take it back Cassandra. If we need to fight then we will fight but we have to plan first. Arianna was determined to get the magical treasure from the Sea Enchantress.

Achilles proudly shouted, Let's meet the Sea Enchantres!! he then bumped his head to the branch because of excitement.

The three laugh and bonded for a while before they proceed with their next adventure- to face the Enchantress of the Sea.

to be continued...

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