Bonnie & Clyde [PART 1]

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First of all, heyy y'all. I know it's been over a month since I updated this book and I was done with it- but I had this idea and I thought the book could use one last short story. This short story will have some mature themes (I.e violence and graphic details) so trigger warning⚠️


"On the evening of January 28th, Leonardo Bianchi was found dead near his home. He had been brutally tortured and the only thing that could identify him was his engraved wedding ring and tattoo on his left shoulder which read his late father's name."

The courtroom was near quiet as the lawyer spoke. Everyone listened intently as the graphic details surrounding my Leo's death was revealed. His mother's whimpers could be heard from the back of the room. She was heartbroken, but for all the wrong reasons.

"His wife, Kaya Johnson-Bianchi, had been over her family's house. His mother was on a date. His younger brother, the only other person in his life, was at a coffee shop two miles from where Leonardo's body was found"

She continued as I zoned out. Jessie was at that coffee shop, I know he was- I saw him.

"The security cameras show Jessie Bianchi coming into the house around 3:00 and leaving at 5:00. He left with Leonardo."

Yes, Jessie left around that time...Leo texted me that he was going to hang out with his brother. I often re-read that text.

"Leonardo was killed somewhere in the timeframe of 7:50-8:10. His wife arrived back home at 9:00. His brother entered the coffee shop at 8:25."

I looked at the face that belonged to Jessie. He did not look nervous. Why should he? He wasn't the one on trial...

"But his brother could not have killed him. Why? Because we found Leonardo's phone, finding a text message he sent to his brother at 7:19, telling him to drive safe and that he was on the way to meet his wife at a restaurant. We checked every security camera of every restaurant within a ten mile radius and found footage of Mr. Bianchi entering an Italian restaurant at 7:30. We rewinded the tape and saw his wife entering 10 minutes prior."

I wanted to try that new restaurant. Ma said the food was delicious.

"Only ten minutes later, both Mr. and Mrs. Bianchi are seen leaving the restaurant. They were both obviously irritated, as it seemed they were arguing."

I cleared my throat quietly, taking in everything the lawyer was saying.

"When we first interviewed Mrs. Bianchi, she said she was at her family's house the entire time. Didn't leave and go anywhere else"

I did say that. Stupid thing to say.

"But we know that is a lie. So that raises the question- what else is Mrs. Bianchi lying about?"

A lot of things- but he doesn't know that.

"Did she beat her husband? Did she torture him? Was it her that pulled the trigger that ended his life?"

No, no, and no.

And that's the truth.

"I urge you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, to look passed the hopeless window act- and take a good look at the murderer right in front of you"

I could tell my lawyer wanted to say something, but I stopped her.

He finished his argument and sat down. It was now my lawyer's turn. She stood and walked to the front of the courtroom. I loved show confident she was- not showing an ounce of hesitation.

"I'm not going to be dramatic" She started off, "But I will lay down the facts for you"

She went into how I lied to the police because I was scared and said the first thing that popped into my mind. Granted, they were not friendly to me and was accusatory from the beginning. Secondly, she explained how my husband was found with multiple different symbols and words carved into him- words like "snitch" and "rat".  Why would I do that? She then went to the video evidence showing me walking back into my family's home at 7:48- as the restaurant was only eight minutes from their house. If I were to kill my husband, I would need some time to do so. And with the way he was tortured and killed- I was way too quick to be back at the house. She ultimately ended with the fact that Jessie testified against a notorious mafia leader last year- and with he and my husband being damn near identical- it was probably a case of mistaken identity. They meant to get Jessie.

After that, she sat down. The jury deliberated, and came back.

I eyed the judge, pushing my freshly done box braids behind my shoulder.

"On the count of first degree murder, we find the defendant not guilty"

I smile, those words like music to my ears. Though, my mother in law is not so happy.

She's screaming and crying in the court room. Calling me a lying bitch.

Doing all of that, for all the wrong reasons.

I walked out the courtroom, making eye contact with the face of Jessie Bianchi. His eyes didn't leave mine until I left completely.

But, I saw them again later that night.

Confused? Let me explain....


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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