The Groom's side

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November - Brandon's side of wedding planning

(Mi) hey bee it's great to see you

(B) it's great to see you too dad

(Mi) I'm so happy for you and callie

(B) thank you dad

(Ja) hey little bro

(Ca) Jamie you made it

(Ja) of course I would since Brandon wanted both of us to be one of his best men for the wedding

(J) I'm here

(Co) so am I

(B) well all we need is rober and mr.jacobs

(Mj) I'm here

(R) so am I

(B) well now that everyone's here the men's side of the wedding needs planning as for tuxs, what they will be doing at the wedding and who their dance partner will be as well

(Ju) you've really got this all planned out

(B) the wedding is in February their's alot of things that need planned out

(Mi) what suits would you like us to wear?

(B) I will be in a black suit, I would like for you all to wear white suits including you Corey

(Co) sounds good

(B) for the best men your dance partners are already listed Jesus will dance with emma, Carter will dance with Sophia until later you can dance with Jude, Jude you will dance with Mariana, Jamie will dance with Eliza

(Ja) why don't we switch it around and have Mariana and I dance together, and Jude and eliza dance together

(B) that could work too

(Mi) what do you need me to do son?

(B) I would like for you to walk with me down the isle, Robert and Mr.Jacobs will be walking callie down the isle

(Mi) I'd love that bee

(R) so mr.jacobs and I will be the ones to walk callie down the isle?

(B) yes since you are both callies fathers she would like for the both of you to walk her down it

(Mj) I'd love to

(R) I would to

(Co) and my role is the ring bearer

(B) yes and I would like for Isabella to be the flower girl

(Mi) that would be great bee, I'll talk to Ana about that she would love to watch Isabella

(B) almost everything is ready for the wedding we have all the list of items we need before going to Turks and Caicos in February for two weeks

(Mi) this wedding will be wonderful bee

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