{2.4} 𝙲 𝚑 𝚒 𝚕 𝚍 𝚛 𝚎 𝚗 𝚂 𝚑 𝚘 𝚞 𝚕 𝚍 𝚗 𝚝 𝙿 𝚕 𝚊 𝚢 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 1

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Elena Is asleep next to Nathan, but Nathan is awake he's looking at Elena sleeping peacefully but she starts to open her eyes

"Good Morning" Nathan Says

"Mmm good morning" Elena Says

"How'd you sleep last night" Nathan Asks

"Umm Surprisingly good even though I came home from work late last night" Elena says

"Speaking off work I have some news to tell you" Nathan says

"What is it?" Nathan Says

"Well My Job wants be to head over to Boston because we're working on the manufacturing process of creating a new medicine and they want my help on it" Nathan says

"Oh my god Nathan that's great babe" Elena says

"But I'm Going to be gone a while" Nathan Says

"Wait How long?" Elena Asks

"About Maybe Three weeks maybe 4 we're just conducting an experiment that's all" Nathan Says

"But Can't You Do it here" Elena Says

"Well My boss wants to collaborate with the chemical engineers babe I'll be back before you know it" Nathan Says

"Your basically gonna be gone for a month" Elena Says

"But I'll Back In no time, Baby Please don't be mad" Nathan Pleads

"Im not mad I'm just really gonna miss you that's all" Elena Says then she kisses him

"But I know you'll figure out something to do in your spare time, how about you go spend time with your dad"

"Yeah I'll probably Do That" Elena Say

"But as for now how about we make the best of our time right now" Nathan Says

"Oh Really" Elena Says as she begins straddling him

"Really" Nathan Says

"Okay, Let me give you something to remember me by" Elena says as she begins kissing Nathan


"Okay. We've got booze, we've got chocolate, and, wait for it... tortured emo rock. Guaranteed cure for any broken heart." Neil Says

"You didn't have to do all this. I'm fine." Angela Says

"Yeah, I can see that" Neil Says as Angela takes his hands in both of hers "Thanks,Neil" Angela Says

"Yeah" Neil Says, There is a loud pounding at the door. They both look around. "Look.." Neil Says

"It's Probably Him." Angela Says

"I'll take care of it" Neil Says, He goes to the front door, opens it. Matt is standing there.

"Where is she ?" Matt Asks

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