{2.15} 𝚃 𝚊 𝚕 𝚕 𝚃 𝚊 𝚕 𝚎 𝚜 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 1

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A middle-aged man in a suit and overcoat walks towards an impressive university building. Outside, a young attractive woman in a white dress is posed seductively, fixing her shoe.

"Excuse me. Are you lost?" The Professor Asks

"No. I've been waiting for you, professor." The Girls Says

"Oh, are you in one of my classes?" The Professor Asks

"Don't you recognize me?" The Girl Asks

"We-ell, they're big classes. Anyway, my office hours are Tuesday and Thursday mornings." The Professor Says

"Really? I was hoping I could see you now." The Girl Says

"Um, well, since you asked so nicely. Come on." The Professor Says

Inside His Office
"Such a handsome photo." The Girl says

"Oh, that old thing. So, what can I do for you? How's the paper coming?" The Professor Asks

"Um, professor, I, uh, I have a confession to make." The Girl Says

"Oh? What's that?" The Professor Asks

"I'm not really one of your students." The Girl Says

"Really? Then why are you here?" The Professor Asks

"Maybe I should just go." The Girl says

"Wait. I get it. I understand how you're feeling, and it's only natural. You are young and wide-eyed, and I'm somewhat of a celebrity around here. He approaches to her, caresses her cheek in a lascivious and patronizing manner. Don't get me wrong, you're a very beautiful girl, but it would be wrong of me to take advantage of you. I just, um, I just respect you too much." The Professor Says Then He kisses her her face turns hideously grey and rotted he pulls back in horror. Oh my god!"

"What? Don't you like me anymore? He backs away knocking things over. She approaches him. Don't you want me?" The Girl Asks

Meanwhile Outside A Janitor locks the front door and saunters away somewhat jauntily. A body falls behind him with a heavy crunch. He turns back to see the Professor dead on the steps.

1 Week Later

Sam is sitting on the couch looking through books; he rubs his face tiredly. Dean is sitting up on the bed behind him, listening to the radio and eating something messy from a disposable plate.

"Dude. You mind not eating those on MY bed?" Sam Says

"No, I don't mind. he continues to eat, How's research going?" Dean Asks

"You know how it's going? Slow. You know how it would go a heck of a lot faster? If I had my computer." Sam Says

"Hmm." Dean Says as he Nods

"Can you turn that down please?" Sam Asks

"Yeah, absolutely." Dean Says as he turns the music up louder

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