{2.12} 𝙽 𝚒 𝚐 𝚑 𝚝 𝚂 𝚑 𝚒 𝚏 𝚝 𝚎 𝚛 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 3

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Dean and Elena continues hunting things.

Back In the Command Center The plainclothes Detective is on the phone with Sam and the officer is in the foreground, listening.

"Can you tell me how many hostages this guy's taken?" The Detective Asks

"Look, one of the people could be having heart trouble. You need to send in a paramedic." Sam Says

"Just stay calm, we'll have you folks out of there." The Detective Asks

"Look Just send in a paramedic, okay? And don't try anything else. Please." Sam Says

"Paramedic? We don't have time for that, man!" The Man Says

"Listen, I, I, I'm sorry, okay? I am. But nobody's getting out." Ronald Says

"He's dying right in front of you."The Man Says

"Help!" The Guard Says

In The Hallway Dean and Elena stops and looks up, seeing a ceiling panel askew. Dean picks up a coat rack and begins poking it. He dislodges it and a naked body falls to the floor.

"Oh God!" Elena Shouts

"It's Just A Body Elena it's not the first" Dean Says As He turns it over; it is the Man who has been helping the Guard. His throat has been slit.

The Man/Shifter is still holding up the Guard, who is panicked and breathing painfully.

"Come on, man, you've gotta unlock the front door. We've got to get him out of here." The Shifter Says

"Both of you stay where you are." Ronald Says as he cocks his rifle, Dean and Elena returns, Dean whispers something to Sam. The Shifter watches them warily.

"You know what, Ronald? He's right, we've got to get this man outside. Come on. I've got you." Sam Says As He takes the Guard from the shape shifter

"Yeah, yeah, let me help you." The Shifter Says

"Oh, I got him, it's, it's cool. Thanks." Sam Says
As He gets the Guard out of the way, Dean and Elena glares at the Shape Shifter and approaches the vault.

"Thank you. Thank you." The Guard Says

"Sure." Sam Says

"... Thank you." The Guard Says As Dean Walks to the shifter

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Dean Asks

"You got the gun, man. I mean, whatever." The Shifter Says

"We just wanna talk" Elena Says As he gets close enough, he attacks Dean and Elena, knocking both Dean to the ground and Punching Elena in the face and running into the dark of the hallways. They gets up and chases after him.

"Stop! Come back here!" Ronald Says As He Races after them both, which puts him in the open again. Sam sees a laser sight on his back; in slow-motion and silence, Sam shouts at him.

"Get down! Now!" Sam Says As The sniper fires, hitting Ronald squarely in the chest. As he falls, Dean Pulls Elena by the waist and they ducks behind a low wall, and Sam, Elena and Dean both watch in horror. Ronald slumps to his knees, then to the floor. He is dead.

The hostages run out of the vault as Dean and Elena crawls behind another low wall nearer where Ronald fell. Sam ducks down beside they, All of them  panting. Sam pulls out the key and hands it to Dean.

"Here. You to take care of the guard. I'm going after the shifter." Sam Says As He runs off, and Dean and Elena crawls over towards Ronald.

"Sorry, Ron. You did a real good job tracking this thing, you really did." Dean Says as Elena looks over at Ron's body, He takes the rifle and, looking around furtively, he takes Elena's hand and they runs off towards the Guard.

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