Chapter One - Home.

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Running from the cops isn't fun for me like it was for my older brother, Dallas. He took pride in his criminal record, I've never quite understood why. Being arrested for aggravated assault against an officer isn't something I would personally brag about. The worst I've done is swiped a coke from the local gas station where ¨E¨ works, but that doesn't include fights I've been in. Unlike Dally I don't have any criminal record, neither does our younger brother Grayson. Dally keeps us out of trouble the best he can.

I had no idea why the fuzz were after me. My heart pounded as I dodged behind a tree, hearing the motorcycle pass by. I sighed a sigh of relief, I don't ever want to end up in the cooler. Dal and Kate would bash my head in, if a inmate doesn't get to it first. Kate was like the mom I never had. I had no idea what happened to my actual mom. Both Dally and my dad refused to tell me or Gray anything. Dad never cared what happened to us or where we were, I convinced him to let Kate Gray and I. Just shows the old man doesn't care for us, I suppose.

I ran out from behind the tree, heading for Lexi's house. I opened the door, she always leaves it wide open since the only people intruding into her house are Sodapop or me. I walked in and saw her and Sodapop on the couch, what they were doing was something I don't want to describe. I shut the door behind me, clearing my throat. ¨Can you stop trying to suck each others faces off for a minute or two?¨ Lexi sat up, ¨Oh hey Jade, didn't see ya there.¨ I scoffed ¨Obviously were a bit- occupied-¨ ¨What do ya need?¨ Soda didn't say anything, I don't think he was expecting any interruptions. ¨Yeah, the fuzz are were after me," I said looking down at the ground.
Soda sat up straight, ¨Now why are the cops after you, Jade?¨ I shrugged, ¨I don't know.¨ ¨Are you sure you didn't do somethin-¨ Lexi cut him off ¨C'mon Soda, you know he wouldn't get himself into trouble.¨ I nodded, ¨Yeah! You know Kate would give me an earful or worse if I did something that bad.¨ Soda yawned, ¨Yeah you're right.¨

Lexi was a bit taller than me, slightly tanned but naturally was pale-skinned, not as pale as me thought. Lexi had long hair but it had bangs that framed her face. She was Sodapops girlfriend, everyone in the gang adored her.

¨Speaking of Kate, you should get heading back to her place.¨ I nodded, Lexi was right. I got out of school almost an hour ago. ¨Yeah I suppose you're right, Ill see ya soon.¨ I bolted out the door, running down the street to Kates doorstep, fumbling with the key to get it out of my pocket. I unlocked the door, to see Kate standing in the kitchen. ¨What took you so long getting home from school? You get released at three, it's currently four. Explain yourself, kid.¨Kate raised her voice at me, sending chills down my spine. When Kate snaps at anyone, its typically her way of saying that she was worried sick about you.

¨Oh uh...¨ I rubbed the back of my neck, anxiously ¨The fuzz were after me.¨ Kate straightened up, she turned pale. ¨What?!¨ She was upset, but it came off as angry. I looked at her, with an almost pleading expression, ¨Listen to me, I didn't do anything.¨ I sighed. ¨You sure?¨ Kate looked me up and down. I nodded ¨Im positive I swear.¨ She let out a long sigh, ¨Did they follow you?¨ I shook my head. ¨Alright, ¨ Kate looked at the TV for a sec then at the ground, ¨Go to your room, help your brother with his homework. I assume you finished your homework in free hour¨ I nodded again, Kate knew me better than anyone, even Dally.

When I walked in my room I saw Gray sitting at his desk, resting his head in his hands. ¨Hey whatcha working on?¨ I broke the silence. He let out an exaggerated sigh, ¨Algebra.¨ ¨Oh I know a bit of algebra myself. Do you want me to help you?" He nodded. I stood behind his chair, grabbing his paper, it was pretty simple but I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

After about an hour worth of notes and explaining, Grayson could figure it out by himself and finish up. I laid on the window seat, my legs scrunched up against the wall. I glanced at the clock, six. At about eleven I was planning to sneak out and walk around the park. I might stay in tonight since the cops are on my tail, still have no clue why.

The sun was still out, just dulled by the clouds, it looked like it could storm. Although the Tulsa weather isn't easy to predict. Grayson threw a pillow at my head, ¨Are you sunbathing like a cat? C'mon we have an hour until Kate leaves to get us dinner.¨I sat up irritated. ¨Fine, what do you wanna do?¨ ¨No idea,¨ Grayson shrugged , ¨I would say we could mess-around but Kate about skinned you for being too rough the last time¨ I watched him check out his so-called muscles in the mirror, pathetic. I scoffed ¨It's not my fault you're so wimpy. What're you doing? Looking at your chicken arms?¨ He groaned, offended. ¨Sorry I ain't buff like you, Jade.¨ I laughed ¨I aint buff, Darry is buff. I just have a bit of meat on my bones.¨ Grayson shrugged.
Gray was a lanky and tall, average teenage boy. He was a bit taller than me, with shaggy black hair. He was pale like me. He ate like a horse. I have muscle, not alot but its there. I also have a bit of chub, especially on my cheeks and stomach. I have no idea why I have this build, no one in our family looks like me. Then again, everyone has something unique about them.

A/N:: I am not one to make authors notes every chapter but I would like to add some mentions of the characters in here. The character ¨E¨ is my friend, Clarences original character. ¨E¨ is a nickname for Greyson Doxxon. Since there is already a character named Grayson I thought a nickname would make things easier to read. Another character, Lexi Chambers, is an insert of my friend Lexi who is in love with Sodapop, so I wrote her in with him. The last character I am going to mention is Kate Johnson. Kate is based off of my sister and editor, Kyra.

Thank you to my friends who have helped me write this <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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