Pink hearts link

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Pink hearts link

Dolled up in jewels and red veil was she
Set on his horse readily dressed was he
Now the wait was on it's edge
No me no you only us will be acknowledge
After the rounds of vows sacred seven
Blessings in petals fall from heaven
First will we pray walk together to nourish
Second for well being our health cherish
Third comes the strength of the wealth
Fourth for the respect and love everlong felt
Fifth when we go from two to three
Sixth was to still should stay happiness free
Seventh was the companionship concur
Now fully from father to me transferred
My life to you changed the password.



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Many of us know that there are 7 vows in Indian marriage but there are very few who actually knows the meaning of all 7 vows

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Many of us know that there are 7 vows in Indian marriage but there are very few who actually knows the meaning of all 7 vows..

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