Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"hah" I sigh as i look at this lovely couple making out near my locker

"uhhmm..excuse me" I told them they stared and me first for few seconds there. before they leave

I ahate seeing one that's really passionate in showing their love towards another that everyone will get attentions

I mean seriously. but deep inside i'm a little bit jealous.

who knows a girl like me don't have a guy for a long time maybe since birth how's that

I frown as i get my books in my locker

"hey!" a guy loud voice behind me

"Shakes Spear, why do you always have to do that every single day Dave!" i told him and get back in getting my books

"gezz... what got into you Joni?" he told me while he fixed his messy hair

"i'm just kidding" and smiled and hug him i miss this guy since vacation came

"so what's up? he asked me "morning seems mean to you huh?" how did he know that

"what are you saying?" me denying things "how's your dog" as I change the topic hahaha take that

"don't change the topic honey, and his fine as always" he just stare me like he's looking inside my soul

I raise my hands in surrender "okay you got me" and lock my locker

"see those couple?" we facing the couples making out a few moments ago

"yeah why?"  now i have to tell every detail to him

we look at each other and me looking at his wrinkled forehead me gave up

"it's me, being single my whole entire life, come on" i sigh

"and?" he asked me

"and me a little bit scared about what future holds for me" another sigh from me "what i'll be like this till my gray days you know"

he touched my face both side so that i'll end up looking at his eyes

"trust me you won't" now i have to believe on his words

i nodded so that the conversation end up already

the bell rang soon enough as we both expect it

"gonna go Joni see you later at lunch later okay" with a wave his gone

now i gonna go to my first class

after class i went to lunch to see Liss with Zac already

"where's Dave?" i asked them both

"uhhm.. he text me that they need to finished their case study, so he'll be late for lunch" Liss told me, with that i nodded a sit

"uhhmm.. hey guys we got this new theory on my major subject, it's called the Parallel World Theory" Zac told us, me biting a little bit of my apple

"what's so amazing about it?" Liss facing him

"the theory tells that there is a world out there same as our world but totally different" now his facing me

"well that's mouthful" snapping it with Dave behind me

"hey nerd what's up?" Liss tease him

"hey Taylor fine, you till writing songs about your ex?" me and Zac laughing about it

"snap it, it already" Liss told us being a little bit pissed

"and what does this Parallel affects us?" i asked Zac

he clear his throat as he try to continue his words

"also the theory tells that no one can see it nor proved it yet, and no one actually where is it" now my eyes get bigger as i'm being amazed by it.

"well hope that we can go there passing our finals, getting hired and being paid with really good amount of money" Liss told us

"yeah sure and me being the president" Dave told us, now since he wanted to be the president, the world is screwed

i cover my mouth as i try not to laugh so hard about it.

"what?" Dave as in confusion

"nothing just wondering" i told him sipping more milk

"whatever" he told me raising his hands in surrender.

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