Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

me and Adam hang out a lot after that incident for good reasons we become close friends

which worries me inside that i maybe changing my new friends for him

in which i see a very impossible situation for me

they've been my friends since diaper days so i've keep them safe here in my heart where ever i go

or whatever happens

because i don't know what future holds for the four of us.

and Adam is very god way to see myself as a wife, i'm just assuming for readers sake

it's like my daily routine change from school to home, now from school to a restaurant to a park and into home

"thanks for hanging out with me" Adam told me holding both of my shoulders with his bare hands

"no problem" i said with a smile on my face, which makes me wonder if he doesn't even have a friend on his own block

"wait do you even have a friend from your block, right?" he put his hands down and look disappointed about what i've said to him

"i used to" he admitted to me, his face looking at his shoes and his expressions which is really sad

"what happen?" i asked him putting his head facing my face

"it's's just one day they were so sad and crying and never talk to me anymore" now i get it, his own life is worse than i have now

this guy deserve so much more in this life and i'm here to help him

"okay i'm always here to help you" my words seems sink in very in his own soul, which makes him smile

"thanks, i don't know how to thank you so much for your help" he sound so sincere that's why i gave him a smile too

"it's not a big deal to me" now with that i take my leave "see you at school, and i'll be helping you"

Dave's POV

here am i laying on my bed waiting for sleep to chase me down

but i can't because of that guy and Joni has something i must know i need to know

those guy seems crossing the boundaries of friendship

I can't see it with my own eyes, because i used to have that kind of look in my eyes

me tapping my forehead, cause i've been an asshole to Joni and wasn't able to say sorry too.

"what a mess i am?"

was all i can think of about myself right now

now my phone vibrated on my pillow so i've try to reach it with my hands and see Liss is calling

"hey, what's up Dave?" she seems happy at the other line

"fine, just trying to get some sleep already you Taylor something new songs about you ex?" me sounding like the most boring person you could ever meet

"chill out Dave  gezz, give me a break, have you already say sorry yo Joni?" now my eyes get bigger as i realize that i wasn't able to at all

this gives me another problem

there's so many thoughts on my head and i'm trying to solve one but ended with another one

why does my life should be so complicated as mine does?

"nope and i'm really sorry, tomorrow i swear" i honestly told her what i've thinking to do

"okay make sure to do it, cause i'll be watching you from behind you scared cat" now she's the one teasing me

then she just drop the call without me saying another word from the line

tomorrows a big day

I'll be saying sorry to Joni and someone's will be watching

I drop my phone beside my bed and sleep, hoping that Joni also think of me as the way i think of her, every single day.

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