Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Dave's POV

"man, what was that?" Zac asked me with his face being disappointed

"what?, I just told the truth" which is true, i don't have time for this me focusing in my studies

"you could just pretend that you didn't recognize her for a moment there" now it's me being an asshole

"sorry okay, I'll say sorry to her later" me opening my book again

"be sure you'll do it man, if not, you know what will happen" i know what was his talking about

it's Joni writing my name and my crushes on our class board during our grade school days, because I've tease her being fat that time.

so after that fight between her and me, we became a lot closer to each other

"got it" Zac leave as soon that he knows that i'm real to my words

after reading my freaking books, which add another frustration is that to think, that I still have to make up with Joni

she's nowhere to be found inside the school facilities, there's only one thing that she could go, i mean i know her a lot better that anyone in school, he must be in the garden

just as i knew it when would be here

but before i get to her

a guy showed up out of nowhere, which makes my forehead wrinkle

they seems like there getting along with each other

which makes a little pinch in my heart

Liss and Zac know it, what it was it

it's the fact that i am in love to Joni since like a laid my eyes on her

Joni knows who are my crushes were, excluding her

this makes the situation really bad

since i never confess my feelings to her, and i wasn't able to say sorry yet

men i'm such a mess up guy

who knows i'm a very, very shy type of a guy when it comes to girls

and who knows Dave never get a girl in his whole freaking life

and so seeing them having a really good company, pisses me off

I saw the guy whisper something to Joni which makes me leave and head to my class instead

i'm not saying sorry to her or to anyone.

Joni's POV

now here I am with Adam

he is very cute and kind at the same time

his actually sheering me up by giving some words of encouragement like

"you're so pretty and i know it's not only in the outside" things like that, that gives chills to my bones and things like "hope to see you around"

his actually same course as i do, the thing is his on the other blocks of college students with same year levels; as i am

that's why he wasn't able to see me and same to my situation too.

he get my number and told me that he'll call tonight, i mean can you believe that, his not texting but his calling

for the first time a guy will call me in my phone, this excluded Dave and Zac of course haha. ^_^

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