Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"so Adam, what do you take for college?" Liss trying to make the atmosphere a little bit colder for everyone

since Dave wasn't in the mood to make have conversation

is he being an ass again

oh no, he better not be

i'll be kicking his fat ass if he'll be

I try to look Adam and communicate with my eyes

saying "Dave talk to him or i'll kill you, like literally"

"so Adam right?" at last Dave talk to him

"yeah" here i am just waiting for things that could happen

"where do you stay here?" now i'm facing Adam

alright, we've been friends for so long now

but now suddenly i still didn't know where he actually lives

"uhmm..." he seems thinking things like he forgot something

or maybe his trying to give us the directions but in a very specific place somewhere

now his making his face again his smiling at me, gezz if you got the idea Adam how demi god you look like

"just near the school i just walk to get home actually" hey at least he tried saying it in a very good way

if this guy will make date with me, i'll definitely yes

as in big YES, I do

"I do" what just i said out loud

Dave making his winkled forehead together with Liss and Zac

as they show there face of confusion to what i've just said

"what was that?" it Adam actually asking me

"it's nothing important actually" now i'm can't stop my butterflies from making there move from my tummy

he just nod to that, and as the bell rings

i've seen a good result of my introduction of Adam to my friends

they seems to get along very well

which is a very very good good sign

he makes friends i've help him

" around" Zac make a bro hug but it seems like Adam was good for it

for start for a shy type of guy

"okay.. enough with the hug... i still need to catch my class, so see you Adam" Liss just wave and with that Zac and Liss leave our table

"i just get going to" Dave said to us leaving just two of us sitting

"seriously?" making my mad face to him

take that Dave hahaha >_<

"yeah seriously, i still got some stuffs to do on the library, wanna come" him arranging his books to his bag

oh man, this guy is such a geek. which means for my own concept a nerdy cute guy

"no were good, right?" asking Adam hope he bite my bait that, i still wanna have some moments with him

no make that more obvious a make a face smile while kicking his leg

"oh yeah right, were good" now his smiling to Dave making the same face as i do have while smiling at him

this makes me laugh a little bit, because he looks cuter when he do that

"okay, i'll just leave just guys now, and see you around" Adam running away from us

hmm.. he seems like running from something, hoping it wasn't us

well i'll be just ending my self being assuming

"well that's cool" Adam talking to me, cracking my thoughts and bringing me back to reality

"yeah, way to go and very good for starters" showing my thumbs up. For my recognition of excellence

"for that i'll give you one wish, anything you wish" what did Adam just said

is he a genie all the time, or something like a fairy god mother or whatever

which makes me laugh, but his serious in his facial expression which makes me stop from laughing and getting serious for things like this.

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