Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

now the word "i'll give you one wish" keeps on echoing in my head

i'll give you one wish..i'll give you one wish..i'll give you one wish..

snap that i told myself

as my eyes were still closed

i can't be bothered my whole entire life by just one wish

i can wish anything so for that, i can wish to be the next President or the biggest millionaire in the world if i wanted too

but it's only one wish so i must use it in a very worth it manner

i mean i should wish for something that is worth more than anything

now i'm dreaming of things which is good for me having a little time thinking about things and stuff

a sound of a throwing stone snap me to reality

i opens my eye to see what was it

i put my violet curtains aside to see who might be is it?

then before that i saw a sun flower, with a letter saying "good morning sunshine"

which puts a smile on my face very early in the morning

a sun flower in the morning who's crazy enough to do it

then another sound snaps me to look at our lawn

it was Adam

his whispering but i can read his mouth "come down"

so i went down i fast as i could

i open the door to see his very peculiar and one of a kind cute smile

"what is this all about and the flowers(sun flowers) how do they get there?" i asked him as a state of being amazed

"I'm Adam is asking my beautiful Joni out for a date" he bow his head and bend his one knee before me

now i'm blushing because for the first time a guy so brave enough he thinks i won't reject him asked me out

stop this Adam before it's too late because if i fall, i fall really hard

some guys out there try to asked me out too. but for some good reasons i got i just reject them easily

so they just moved on and find another girl to go out with, which lessens the way i trust guys

but Adam seems not like the another ordinary guy out there

so first the first time, i think i'll say

"sure, i loved too, where are we going" me smiling before him still bowing his head

and looking up for meet my face

"we are going for a picnic" and he just grab my hands and we run away from my house.

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