Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

What should i do to be beautiful and sexy without lowering my standards on clothing

i cry in my stressful situation

so what i made is that i that, i curl my hair and put some make up

and some jeans and faced my mirror

"i should take this glasses of" in my thoughts but i can't see that much without my glasses

i'm like kinda blind when i don't have them

"be SEXY" my thoughts told me

so i put some contacts on

"gezzzz that hurts so bad in the eye" now i'm literary crying my eyes hurts so, so bad

"be BEAUTIFUL" i wash my face, me to stop crying

i hit the road and went to see Liss if she can't recognized me

I've seen her already in her went to the wash room so I followed her there

Zac and Dave is still nowhere to be found yet

"hey girl" i told her as she wash her hands

"OH MY JONI, what have you done?" i a very loud voice that probably people can here outside the wash room

"nothing just being SEXY and BEAUTIFUL" i told her i still see her eyes being amazed and shock at the same time

"Zac and Dave should see this" see told me and grab my arms to find them

"hope if they can still know the know you?" i laugh at that

we see Zac in his car just make his way to the school

so I and Liss run towards him

"hey Zac, meet my friend Andy" she change my name without asking me, hope it might work on him

"hey.." he pause in a few minutes when he saw me "is that..? Liss nodded

"what Joni is that you?" he still can't believe is was me

"are you sick?" what is he thinking, now i'm a little piss about it

"no!" and with that i try to walk out the conversation already

he grabbed me in my arms

"sorry okay, can't you take a joke?" okay he's my friends so i must forgive him

"kidding" i told him his hands on his face can't believe that drama fire back on him

"are you guys done there?" Liss said to us crossing her arms

"yeah" Zac said to her

"okay now let's fine Dave" and with that " try to call him and he said that he is on the library early this morning

so we went straight to the library

"hey man, what's up?" Zac approach him with their usual manly hug, i mean where did they even get it?

"fine, man" Dave reply to him and get back on things his working at

"you know my friend Cynthia" she out told Dave and Dave look at me with no emotions at all

"are you guys trying to play with me?, that's Joni" he should be the one being in the stage in shock in here, not us.

but i guess we are

"how did you know?" i asked in confusion

i mean how could he know, he probably my secret admirer, as if my best friend will fall for me

but i'm still kinda confuse, how could he possible know it was me while Liss and Zac almost drop there jaw

"Okay Joni" which snaps me to reality "what game do you wanna play?" laying his books on the tables

he pisses me off this day, so i turn my mad face to turn

"a game which i win"  i skipped already, leaving behind Liss and Zac

I know Liss and case me but i give all my guts so that she won't catch me i just wanted to be alone with my broken heart

"are you crying beautiful?" a voice behind me in this little garden which my school had

"yeah, why do you think my eyes were red, me fishing?" me facing whoever it is

I honestly drop my jaw seeing his face, his a lot taller than me with pale skin as i do, with really good muscle on his chest and biceps

his eyes were perfect light brown and a bit curly hair, i must admit his cute. which stuck me for a little moment

"geez, i'm just trying to help, but are you okay?" his musculine voice gives chill all over my body

i don't know if this is it, my moment to fall, fall to someone and be acknowledge by other people

I like this new feeling, i think i could use to it from now on.

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