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Ida carefully placed the sheet mask on her face, making sure not to get anything off it in her hair. She closed her eyes for a moment and laid down on her bed, before she was disturbed from her peace and quiet. 

"Ida! Mum said you were here!" Simon said as he sat down on the end of his sister's bed. Ida opened one eye, and quickly sat up to carefully hug her brother. She'd always been closer with Simon, though she was closer to him in age so perhaps it made sense. 

"Went to training with Tom" Ida replied, sipping her iced coffee through a straw. Simon smiled and shifted up the bed so he was sat right next to her. 

"Meet any hot footballers?"

"Oh shut up Simon" Ida replied quickly, her defence being ruined by her phone flashing with another message from Robert. Simon raised an eyebrow. "Ok fine, Tom introduced me to Robert Lewandowski and he slid into my DMs once I got home"

Simon smiled like the cat who got the cream. Ida instantly knew what he was thinking. 

"You can't tell Tom"

"Too bad" Simon replied quickly, as he ran from the room. Ida briefly thought about following him, but decided it wasn't worth it. Let Simon tell Thomas, and see what his reaction was. She had a message to answer, anyway. 

what are you doing now?

doing a face mask
i just had a chat with simon
he's just run off to tell thomas that you slid into my dms

would you really call it sliding?


well if it is sliding into your dms
want to come for a coffee tomorrow?

i'd love to

The minute Ida sent the message agreeing to go for coffee with Robert, she started panicking on multiple fronts. 

1. What was she going to wear?

2. How was she going to get there?

3. How does she tell Thomas she's going on a date with his teammate and friend?

Of the three, the first paled into insignificance at the second two. Thomas would have to drop her off on his way to training, which she had no idea how Robert was going to get out of without raising some eyebrows, but that would solve the third one. If Thomas dropped her off, he'd find out she was having a coffee with Robert.

Simon, nor her parents, could take her. They all had work in the morning. 

It had to be Thomas. 

She sent him a quick text asking him to come to her bedroom. He poked his head around the door. 

"Can you drop me off somewhere on your way to training tomorrow?"

"Yeah of course," Thomas replied, "where?" 

"A little cafe, I'll know the name in the morning"

Thomas raised an eyebrow, "who are you meeting? I shall be very disappointed if it isn't Robert"

"Then you won't be disappointed, but please no teasing!" Ida replied. She knew what Thomas could be like. Thomas smiled and went back to bed. 

Ida laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering what the next day would bring, and what Robert was really going to be like. 

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