~Special 02~

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This one was requested by @sweet_hexaluv Hope you enjoy!

This one was requested by @sweet_hexaluv Hope you enjoy!

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-3rd POV-

Today was another boring day for (Y/n). This time though, she had her muzzle off, so she was free to talk and eat food.

She was with Fushiguro, holding onto his hand as they were heading out to the restaurant that their sensei said to meet at.

The black haired male sighed, "Why couldn't we have met up at the front entrance of the school or in a classroom like normal people."

"Fushi..." (Y/n) said softly, making him look at her as she pat his head.

The male blushed and looked ahead as they finally got to the restaurant.

Fushiguro opened the door and let the petite girl go in first, as she passed by him smiling gently.

"Megumi-chan! (Y/n)-chan! You're finally here!" A certain sensei said happily waving his hands as everyone looked at him then at the other two.

"This is embarrassing..." The male mumbled before taking the girl by the hand and leading her to the table as everyone in the restaurant went back to their business.

As they sat down, Nobara looked at Gojo, "Why are we here anyway, sensei?" She asked.

The male smiled, "I just wanted to treat my students to a meal, so eat as much as you want since I'm paying!" He said happily.

"Really?! Thanks sensei!" Yuji exclaimed happily.

"Salmon." Inumaki said.

"Thanks." Fushiguro said.

Nobara grinned, "Now we're talking! Waiter!"

Maki smirked, "Well, your pockets are about to hurt."

"I'll have all the bread they have then!" Panda said.

"Thank...Gojo..." (Y/n) said softly.


Gojo looked at (Y/n), who was sitting between Fushiguro and Panda, and smiled, "Do you want anything else, (Y/n)-chan?"

The said girl looked at him and smiled, "I want a (f/f) cake, Gojo-sensei." She said in a soft voice.

Everyone around the table got quiet and stared at the girl in shock.

"(Y-Y/n)-chan...Did you just say a full sentence?" Yuji stuttered out before he grinned happily, "(Y/n)-chan!!!!" He exclaimed and got up from his seat and went to hug the girl.

"Yu..." The girl managed out as her life was being squeezed out.

"Itadori! You're suffocating her!" Fushiguro said.

The said male loosened his grip and looked down at the girl, who's poor soul was escaping out her mouth.

Inumaki got up and went to the girl, and started to pet her head, "Mustard leaf."

The girl then leaned into his touch and hummed very quietly, while Fushiguro hit Yuji's head.

"Ow! I'm sorry, (Y/n)-chan! Forgive me!" The pink haired male said, as the girl turned to look up at him and pat his head.


'Thought she would say another sentence.' They all thought sweat-dropping.

The waiter then came by, "Uhm, excuse me...You're making too much noise, so could you please keep it down or else we will have to ask you to leave."

"Ah, sorry! Can I get the bill, then?" Gojo asked as the waiter nodded and left, then looked back at his students, who were trying to get the demon girl to say another full sentence.

Inumaki tried to get her to speak ingredients, "Salmon."

"Sal..." (Y/n) said softly, looking at him, making him blush a bit but was hidden by his high collar.

Soon, the waiter came by again and gave the teacher the bill. As Gojo paid, everyone headed out still trying to get her to speak.

"(Y/n)-chan! What do you like about Panda-senpai?" Nobara said.

"Fluffy..." The petite girl said smiling, while the orange haired girl sighed.

Panda chuckled and pat (Y/n)'s head.

To this day, everyone still tries to get her to speak another full sentence but (Y/n) just smiles at them and speaks in broken sentences.


The demon girl got to her room and smiled in bed, picking up her one of many panda plushie, and looked up at the ceiling, "Salmon. Tuna." She said softly and smiled.

Unbeknownst to her a certain speech user was passing by and heard her, making him smile and blush. Then kept walking to meet up with Panda and Maki.

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