~Special 23~

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-3rd POV-

(Y/n) was in her room but then, she felt something was missing, she shrugged it off going back to her plushies.

After a few hours passed, she decided to walk around, so she got up and walked out her room. As she walked around, she looked through her memories but couldn't find anything out of the ordinary.

"(Y/n)-chan!" A male's voice said, making the demon girl turn, only to be met with pink hair.

"Hm." She hummed bowing and leaving.

"Eh? (Y/n)-chan! Don't ignore me!" He yelled out, following the girl, but she ended up looking at him confused and running.

"Does she not recognize me?" Yuji said to himself before seeing Gojo, "Sensei! I think there is something wrong with (Y/n)-chan. She didn't seem to recognize me..." He said sadly.

The white haired male made a thinking pose, "Hm...Well, we can't let her leave the premises of the school. If the higher-ups or those high level curses find out she lost her memory, then it's over for us."

"Eh? Are you saying she is more powerful than Sukuna?"

"Correct! That's why we have you near her, because you know how to calm her down, but if she lost her memory, it must've been a curse doing. If she is to lose control right now, we would have to take drastic measures."

"I see...Let's go sensei!"

The male nodded as they followed where the girl used to be.

Back with (Y/n), she felt anxious. She didn't know where to go. She left the school and was walking around the city.

"Hm..." She hummed softly looking around anxiously. (Y/n) didn't know why, but she just wanted to go home. She walked down a familiar looking house. She walked in and saw nature had taken over it. She hummed and saw a familiar sword that used to belong to her father.

Once she grabbed it, her head started to hurt.

"(N/n), you can't forget about any of them. Remember, Muzan is after you. Your enemies are demons and curses." Her father's voice sounded in her head.

The girl unsheathed the sword and the color changed from black to (f/n).

(A/n: But if you want to keep it how it was, then ignore that sentence.)

"Hm." She hummed and nodding, then sheathing the sword. She closed her eyes and opened them, only to be met with her parents along with Tanjiro and Nezuko.

"Do well, (N/n) and remember! No boys! I'll include girls since they seem to be over you too." Her father said.

Her mother hit his head before looking at her, smiling gently, "Fall in love with whoever you want, we will be watching over you." She walked up to her and poked her forehead gently, "Now, you will remember who your friends are."

Tanjiro and Nezuko walked up to her, the male putting a hand on her shoulder, "I'll pass the memories of my training with you, (Y/n)-chan. So you can master the Nichirin sword, but make sure to not break it, a reincarnation of Haganezuka is probably out there and he or she will probably try to murder you because you broke the sword." He said chuckling, as (Y/n)'s father shivered at the memory.

"I broke it once, and it's like he heard it and came at me full speed the next day with a knife." He mumbled.

Nezuko pat her head, smiling, "Soon, you will be able to unlock more of my demon abilities, but for now train hard." She said.

"Hm!" (Y/n) hummed, nodding.

They disappeared and the door burst open behind her, making her startled and unsheathe the sword, pointing it at them.

"(Y/n)-chan!" Nobara exclaimed, "Hey, put the sword down, we came here to get you back."

"Hm." The girl hummed softly and sheathed the sword, before walking to them and hugging them.

Gojo smiled and sighed in relief, "Glad we found you here, we thought an enemy got to you."

The girl looked at him and smiled, "Hm." She hummed patting his head.

"Ah! She gained her memory back! I'm glad!"

After that, they spent the day spoiling the girl with food.

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