~Special 03~

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This was requested by someone who wishes to be anonymous. They requested a small crossover between the Tokyo Revengers characters.

-3rd POV-

(Y/n) was walking around, since she wanted to get away from her crazy sensei that wanted to drag her everywhere. The other three were busy so she was on her own.

She walked by an area that had a bunch of males sitting around and cheering.

"Give him death! Give him death!" They all chanted.

The pudding haired girl looked, annoyed, "Hey...! Stop before I make you." She said with a harsh glare.

"Don't get involved in this, sweetheart. Go home and play with your dolls." One of them said.

"Tch, Seijuro." She mumbled, walked down the steps and putting a hand on the male's shoulder, "The only doll I see is you. So, how about you be a good boy and sit for your empress." She said as her red and gold eyes seemed to glow.

The male eyes widen, and could only feel his knees shake before they gave out under him.

The injured blond, could only stare at the girl, 'Who is she...?' He thought.

"Hey, Kiyomasa." A deep voice said, making everyone look and look surprised, except for (Y/n), "You're scarin' the crowd."

'Who's this? Whatever...' The pudding haired girl thought.

"Calm down, dumbass."

"A blond ponytail and a shaved head...and a dragon tattoo on his temple..." A male said, who had his ponytail on top.

"No way." A male with black slicked back hair said.

"The Vice Commander of the Tokyo Manji Gang..."

(Y/n)'s face went blank, 'Gang...? W-Wait...Are these guys part of a gang?! What did I get myself into...'

"Ryuguji Ken! A.K.A. Draken!"

There stood a tall male with his head shaved at the sides and back to expose his dragon tattoo on his left temple. His blonde hair was long on the top of his head and kept in a neat braid. He had a few strands of lose hair in the front. He seemed to wear a uniform and a patterned long jacket.

"Hey, Ken-chin." Another voice said, as he stood behind the male, as he ate something.

The blond turned his head towards him, "Wha? Don't call me by that stupid nickname here."

"I'm out of dorayaki." He said with a closed eyed smile. He had pitch black piercing eyes and long blonde hair that is only tied at the top with the hair at the sides flowing freely. Wearing a uniform but his jacket around his shoulders.

'I should really go...I've been here long enough...' The pudding haired girl thought, about to walk away, but was startled when everyone bowed.

"Good day, sir!"

The injured kid looked at the shorter male, in shock.

"Good day, Commander, sir!"

(Y/n) turned to the blond behind her, "Hope you're okay..." She said about to leave before her hand was grabbed, making her yelp slightly.

"Hey, what's your name?" The blond asked her before looking at the injured one, "You too."

The girl averted her eyes, "Kozume...(Y/n)..." She said softly.

"H-Hanagaki Takemichi." The other said.

"I see. So (Y/n)-chin and Takemitchy."

Both looked at him confused.


"Huh? Takemitchy?"

"That's what Mikey said, Takemitchy." Draken said.

"A-Ah...I have to go..." (Y/n) said.

"Hm? But (Y/n)-chin, stay." He slightly pouted, "Takemitchy, (Y/n)-chin, starting today, you're my friends, all right?"

'I became friends with a gang leader...My brother would be disappointed...' The girl thought, as the male let out a confused noise, and Mikey let go of her hand and walked towards the male that got kicked by Draken.

"Are you the one running these matches?"


He let out a smile before kicking his chin, before he could fall, the blond grabbed him by the hair, "Who the hell are you?" He said as he then punched him, and started to beat him up.

'This is too graphic even though I deal with curses...' (Y/n) thought with a grimace.

"Okay, then." Mikey said, as he finished, "Let's get going, Ken-chin." He smiled, "Taking bets at this little fight club is lame." He then started walking.

"Stop bringing Toman's rep down." Draken said, beginning to follow.

"(Y/n)-chin, Takemitchy...See you later." Mikey said to both of them, before walking again.

"Y'all wake up and scram already."

Soon, the girl left the scene and walked back to Jujutsu Tech.

"I became friends with a gang leader...I just wanted to walk around in peace, but then this happen..." She mumbled to herself as she sighed.


(Y/n) was walking around again, before her hand was grabbed, "I don't have anything valuable..."

The person chuckled, "You're funny, (Y/n)-chin."

She looked and saw Mikey, "Oh, hello..." She then looked at Draken and sent him a nod, which he returned.

"Let's go walk around, (Y/n)-chin." He said as he dragged her around, with the tall male following closely behind.

"I want to ask..." Draken began, "How did you get Kiyomasa on his ass."

"...Ah, it's basically a special ability of mine...I rarely use it though, since I don't very much like hurting others unless they bully others..."

The shorter blond smiled, "I like you, (Y/n)-chin! You should join!"

"N-No...it's fine...I'm in school, and my brother would hate if I got hurt or anything of sorts..."

"We'll protect you!"

In the end, Mikey talked the most, trying to get to know the pudding haired girl as she talked softly, which he liked along with Draken, since she wasn't loud or energetic. And also tried to make her join the gang.

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