1. Everything Has Changed

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The So it Goes... Series:

My magnum opus. A long fic (and several one shots - parts 2-6 of the series) spanning Hermione's travel back in time to the Marauders era, and subsequent growth with said Marauders. All parts are listed on here with the title and then OLT Series Part X (depending on the number) so they are easy to find on my profile.

One Last Try - So it Goes... Series pt 1: Hermione is attacked during the final battle. She is sent back in time and adopted by a pure-blood family. She attends Hogwarts with the Marauders, becomes friends (and lovers with some) with them, and determinedly saves the world. Spans 1970-1980 (chapters 1-64). PART 1.1: Love Story (ch65) PART 1.2: 11 years Later (ch66)

OLT Missing Scenes - So it Goes... Series pt 2: A series of one shots - listed below - where each chapter covers missing scenes that didn't fit in the chapters they should've been in, or scenes from other character's POVs that add to existing scenes in the main fic:
Chapter 1 - No Body, No Crime (deleted scene ch26)
Chapter 2 - Long Live (missing scene between ch43-44)
Chapter 3 -  (missing scene ch2)
Chapter 4 - Innocent (missing scene ch60)
Chapter 5 -
Long Story Short (missing scene ch62)
Chapter 6 - The Outside (missing scene ch63)
Chapter 7 - You Belong With Me (missing scenes March-May 1980)

Dress - So it Goes... Series pt 3: (missing scene ch58) James and Hermione, pure smut EXPLICIT

Haunted - So it Goes... Series pt 4: Fabian and Gideon after the war.

Clean - So it Goes... Series pt 5: Charlie's journey of self-discovery. How he became the man he is. 1975-1990.

OLT Appendices - So it Goes... Series pt 7: Extra information that's relevant to the story, but isn't actually a part of it.

Summary: Voldemort is dead, but so is Harry. Hermione watches more of her friends die in the final battle and it seems like it will never end. Then she's hit with an unknown spell. She wakes nearly thirty years in the past, in a world not too different, but so very strange. Adopted into a pureblood family she attends Hogwarts with the ghosts of the past. There's no going back, so it's forward from here, and well, if she couldn't win in the 90s, she's going to win now.

A/N: Hello! This story latched on and wouldn't let go. So much thanks goes out to my beta UnderstandableGoodDay (on AO3/Tumblr) for reading this beast of a fic through for me for continuity etc.

** This chapter and up to ch32 have all been edited as of April 2022 so some things have changed and there's quite a few bits that have been added!! **

2nd May 1998

Hermione Granger wouldn't classify herself a violent or vicious person, disregarding the jar in her fourth year and the Marietta Edgecombe incident, but the final battle had brought something out in her that she wasn't sure she liked. They'd been fighting for hours now, sweat and blood and tears coating her skin and blinding her every time she tried to blink away the drops sliding down her face and into her eyes.

She'd lost track of Ron what felt like hours ago, after Fred and Percy had been killed by the castle wall collapsing on them. Harry was dead. Killed trying to repay and protect Narcissa Malfoy for saving him after the first avada had failed to kill him by protecting her from her fellow Death Eaters. The second he'd not been so lucky with, taken out from behind before Hermione could even open her mouth to warn him.

The Hogwarts' grounds were littered with bodies, but she'd become almost desensitised by now. She was battling two Death Eaters, both miles better than her with years of training and experience behind them now she was flagging with exhaustion, her spells missing the mark more often than not. She was tempted to give up. Harry had defeated Voldemort before dying himself, but his subsequent death had renewed something terrible in the remaining Death Eaters.

His death had permanently killed something in her.

Only a sense of duty and pride kept her fighting now. Either she'd die fighting for the right thing, or the light would win. Though she couldn't reconcile the eventual cost of winning if they actually did.

"Weasley!" The shout caught her attention, her head snapping to the side, blood-matted hair whipping her in the face. Ron was battling what looked like both of the Lestrange brothers. Both men looked more crazed than normal.

It was only a moment of distraction, but it was enough.

A horrified scream wrenched from her as she watched the green light streak towards Ron, who could do nothing to stop it. In a horrible moment of irony she could do nothing to stop the brilliant golden light that struck her.

It blinded her, and she squinted through it to try and see who had thrown the unknown spell at her.

Before she could do anything she was falling backwards towards the filthy ground, her arms wheeling out behind her. When she didn't hit the ground straight away, confusion filled her. Horror took over quickly as she recognised the feeling of being pulled backwards, the world twirling past her. She hadn't felt such a thing since her third year.

Alongside the other sensations, distinct and worryingly new, was something she'd never felt in her limited experience with time-travelling - because that must be what this was.


She felt like she was being ripped apart, her muscles straining and sharp shocks suffused her whole body. If it had been possible she would have insisted she could feel it down to a cellular level.

All of a sudden it stopped; the pain, the falling, the flying backwards, and she was lying somewhere unknown, green laid out beneath her and blue above.

No screams of the dying and wounded, no sickening smells she'd never forget as long as she lived. It was quiet and peaceful, and she could hear birds tweeting somewhere near her. This was it, she thought, this was death. It must be, because in all her research on time-travel when she was younger there had never been anything to say a spell could do what it seemed to have done to her. It was either death, or time-travel and some sort of transportation spell, because she was somewhere completely different.

With that thought racing through her head, and exhaustion finally catching up with her now adrenaline wasn't running her, she passed out.

A/N: As I said in the summary, I'm not expecting to post any more chapters for a while. I've got two written so far, but I wanna have at least ten written before I post anymore.

Let me know what you thought :P

- I have read so many time travel fics that there will undoubtedly be some influence in this fic from them. I'd especially like to acknowledge two that I've read over and over and absolutely love as there were certain story elements in those that I know influenced my writing and story decisions! I'm trying not to steal anything from them consciously, but I'm aware there may be elements that are obviously heavily influenced *sweats* (Debt of Time by Shayalonnie and Roundabout Destiny by MaryRoyale) -

TAGS: minor/background Sirius/Hermione, Frank/Hermione. Explicit sexual content and language. Minor character deaths. Angst, fluff, family feels, HEA. Indian James Potter. Black Dorcas Meadowes. Canon characters of colour. Welsh Remus Lupin. Queer rep! Honestly there's like only a couple cishet characters lol. Plus-size Hermione. SLOWWWWW BURN.

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