Once the living room
Was filled with noise
Of TV cartoons
And the playing of toys,
But now there is none
Just an empty void.Once the dining room
Was piled with mess
And different stories
After food was blessed,
But now it's clean
Like an empty nest.Once the kitchen
Was called for chores,
Serious talks,
And food galore,
But now I'm alone
On this broad floor.Once the bathrooms
Were filled with baths,
Some teenage drama,
And times to relax,
But now it's quiet
I hear no facts.Once the bedrooms
Held play dates with friends,
Snoring faces,
And toys they lend,
But now they're bare
Without friendships to mend.Once this house
Was filled with life,
Husband and kids,
And Relatives alike,
But now it's a silent
Depressing site.