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They arrived at the game half an hour too early but it was alright because it gave Kiyoko an excuse to see her boyfriend before the game and y/n to go see how her favourite team members were doing before the game.

Y/n walked through the long, identical halls searching for the changing room. She walked around aimlessly and then resulted in texting Yu. She stared down at her phone, flicking through the numbers to find his.
"Omg I'm so sorry" she bumped into someone. She looked up at the tall figure and a pair of darting eyes stared down at her. She scanned his features, dominant features and quickly identified him.

Y/n's pov

"Hi again" I smiled.
"Hey" Aran smiled at me "what are you doing here?" He scratched his neck.
"I'm just here to support my brother's team and bring food" I gestured the bags "do you have any idea where the Karasuno changing room is?"
"Yeah I do, let me help you-"
"Aran~" a loud sing song voice called out from down the hall. Aran let out a large sigh as I turned around and looked around to see the person. A group of intimidating men towered over me.
"Hi" one with silver hair looked down at me "who are you?"
"Uh I-"
"Y/N!" I heard Yu's voice ring in my ears again and then loud, fast steps towards us.

Within seconds, the Karasuno players were standing across from the Inarizaki team.
"Are you Ok sis?" Yu asked while glaring at Aran.
"Yeah I'm fine" I smiled "uh this is Aran and I'm guessing his team?"
"Yeah that's us" the silver hair guy smirked at me "you never answered my question sweetie"
"Her name is Y/n, we met earlier at uni" Aran said. His team nodded in understanding. The hallway was silent but loud with tension. Everyone was either smirking at me or glaring at Aran.
"Anyways" I picked up the bags again.
"Let me help you with-"
"No we got it" Yu interrupted Aran and the team took the bags from me.
"Alright, I'll see you in business tomorrow" Aran smiled.
"Yeah, good luck" I smiled.
"Good luck to you guys too" Aran smiled at Yu and he rolled his eyes. I lightly slapped the back of his neck.
"Yeah yeah whatever" Yu scoffed then latched onto my wrist and dragged me down the hall followed by the team.

We quickly made it to their changing room.
"What is in the bags N/n?" Tobio asked.
"Yu asked me to make you guys food for after the tournament" I sat on one of the benches.
"You actually made it?!" Ryu walked in with Kiyoko.
"Yeah, cooking is fun so its fine" I shrugged. I felt harsh eyes on me the whole time and quickly made eye contact with Yu "what?" I asked as he stared into my soul.
"What were you doing with them?" He asked "did they do anything to you? Are you sure you're Ok? Should I call Amir ? Should I-"
"No its fine" I interrupted "I'm really fine, nothing happened"
"Fine then" he sighed and walked over to me "thank you for the food!" He jumped onto me.
"Never do that shit again but no problem" I hugged back.

Everyone started getting ready for their game.
"So who are you guys playing against?" I asked, swiping through my new business assignment on my phone.
"Aoba Johsai" Shoyo answered. My heart sank.
"You're lying?" I looked up at him.
"No we actually are playing them" Yu chuckled "and you know what that means"

~mini time skip~

"Y/N IS THAT YOU !?" A familiar, irritating voice yelled. Yu pulled me into the middle of the team and they all formed a circle around me "don't be like that bae" he whined.
"Leave my sister alone Oikawa" Yu said.
"Oikawa I've been telling you for a six months now that I have a boyfriend" I sighed.
"But I can treat you-"
"Yo Karasuno!" Aran ran over "do you know where Y/n is? I need to talk to her about our new business assignment"

The team moved and he had a clear path to me.
"Yeah what's wrong with it?" I asked "I just looked at it and it seemed fine to me"
"I don't really understand it" he said.
"Oh ok, don't worry, find me after your game and I can go over it with you, or would you prefer to meet somewhere else to do it together?" Everyone got tense.
"Like a date?" Oikawa asked.
"No" I rolled my eyes "I have a boyfriend"
"You have a boyfriend?" Aran asked seemingly disappointed.
"Yeah I do" I looked at him confused "but anyway which one would you prefer?"
"Uh I'll find you after my game" he replied.
"Ok that's fine, good luck" I smiled and he walked away.

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