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We sat in the little fort, watching Everybody Hates Chris on the little TV in there, munching on our respective pizzas. Occasionally I did take some slices from Iman And Yas but it's all in a days work. Yasmin broke the silence, "so you wanna tell me what party ?" I swallow my pizza, "uh so you know how things have been kinda rough between me and Amir, well he's having a party on Saturday and told everyone not to tell me." I said all in one breath. Yasmin nodded, "so you wanna pull up there ?" I looked at Iman, he nodded and I nodded too.

"Ok I'll help, I mean I can't physically be there since I have to go on Sunday, but-,"
"Where are you going on Sunday, you just got here." I whined.
"I'm going to Milan for a fashion show." Yasmin says.
"What do you mean for a fashion show ?" Iman asks.
"Oh I'm a fashion student at the same school y/n goes to, and our curriculum as fashion students is watch fashion shows, note down what looks were good what looks were bad, come back and make a piece of clothing that reminds you of the show and the city it was hosted in." She explained.
"Wait that sounds so cool."
"It does, and is but the work put into the dresses she always makes is a lot." I add.

"Yasmin literally always makes the dresses she makes fit me, and then always gifts them to me. They always look so good I cry every time." I say, jumping on Yas and hugging her.
"Get off of me you big baby." She laughs trying to pull me off of her, "never." I declare clinging on even tighter.
"C'mon get off now y/n."
"Fine." I sigh, "well anyways I'll make a grand entrance at that party and see why Amir didn't want me there or people to tell me about it." We nodded in agreement, then we all made simultaneous eye contact and cracked up. I knew then and there that this was the start of an amazing friendship.

- time skip to the next morning -

A sudden sound woke me up. I looked around frantically to find a bonnet on my head and Iman and Yasmin not here. I hear a loud crash and rush towards my kitchen. I hate when people who don't know how to cook enter my kitchen, like stay out this is my domain.

I ran there, no I teleported there and looked around to find out who was messing up my kitchen. It was Iman, I roll my eyes so far back I should've been able to see my brain, "it is too early for this shit." I mumble before making my presence known. I cough extra dramatically, "nigga wtf are you doing in my kitchen ?" I ask. He slowly turns around to face me, covering the stove with his body, "nothing why're you awake ?"

I look at this man in disbelief, "why am I- because I got uni and because yo loud ass woke me up." I say in utter shock at the stupid question he decided to ask, he's hiding something, "what are you cooking there anyway." I say trying to peek at what's behind him.
"I'm not making anything you need to worry your pretty little head about." He says not moving. I sigh, making him believe I let it die.
"Where's Yasmin ?"

"She said she had to go do something quickly and she'll be back by 3 PM." He said. I nodded in understanding, then I don't know what happened but something clicked in my brain, "Iman what time is it ?" I ask uncertain if I want to know the answer.
"It's 11:30 AM, why ?"
"Fuck." I curse under my breath. I run out of the kitchen towards the living room and search through the blankets for my phone, i find it and immediately look on my timetable app. If im correct i literally missed my art class, the most important class I have.

I click the app and to my relief my first two classes were cancelled and I just needed to come at 2 PM for my business class and then the art teacher had given us homework to do and bring to the next lesson. I sighed, 'that was close.' I walk back to the kitchen, "all clear, my classes were cancelled so I don't have to be in school till 2." I smiled at him. He nodded.

"Shall I cook us some breakfast ?" I say nonchalantly.
"Sure." He replies in the same tone.
"What would you like, by the way I know that you burnt my eggs and bacon you don't gotta worry I ain't mad, BUT you still owe me what you wasted." I say as I scavenge the fridge and pantries for something to eat.
"Don't test my ability to smell out burnt food babe." I say smugly. I decide on miso soup and white rice, then got to cooking.

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