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I look up to see none other than the blond boy with the lip ring that sat next to me in English, looking back at me from the passenger seat.

"Uhhhhh..." I couldn't think of a valid excuse and blurt out, "change in plans." 

"Mhm," He rolled his eyes and turned back in his seat. 

There was a giggle next to me and I turn to see a boy. He has the most adorable dimples ever and curly dirty blond hair and great arms. Shit, I was staring. He grinned at me.

"I'm Ashton," he said with a smile.

"Winter" I smile back.

"That's Calum," he gestures toward the driver. 

Calum looked at me through the rearview mirror and nodded. His jaw line... god these guys were attractive. 

Ashton leaned into my ear and whispered, "Ignore Luke he isn't good handling rejection." 

I laugh, but Luke glared at us so I just kept my mouth shut until we reached the party. We all hop out of the car and walk toward the large house with music blaring out and people standing on the lawn. We walk in and find a back door and walked into a large backyard.  

"Autumn!!" that boy with blue hair yells from the corner of the yard with a cup in his hand. What's his name?Uhhh... Michael! He's standing with two other girls one was dirty-blonde and the other had long curly brown hair. 

"Hey, babe," Autumn says to her boyfriend as we walk toward them. 

"Oh, Winter! This is Anastasia," she motioned towards the dirty-blonde,"She's Ashton's girlfriend. And this is Lola Calum's girlfriend," She motions towards the curly haired girl. 

"Nice to meet you," I smiled at them. All the boys had their arms wrapped around their girls, but I look at Luke standing alone. "Where's your girlfriend Luke?"

"Luke too much of a dork to have a girlfriend," Michael snorted. He was tipsy and started kissing all over Autumns face. It was adorable.

"I'm gonna go get a drink," Luke says while rolling his eyes. I thought about standing with all these couples.

"I'm coming with you!"

He nods and we walked into the house and found the kitchen. I sat on a stool near the island in the middle of the kitchen. He looked through all of the bottles. 

"So our options are vodka, vodka, and OH LOOK VODKA!" I laughed at him "What kind of party is this?!"   

"I love vodka" I poured some into a cup and downed it. My throat burned and I instantly regret it. 

"Maybe mix it with something?" Luke grinned at me.

I nodded in agreement and added something near that looked ok and poured it with the vodka and took a sip. "Better," 

He nodded and poured his own drink and sat on the stool next to me. "Sooo why did you really say that you were busy?" 

"I don't know I don't really agree to go to parties with strangers I guess," I shrugged.

"Don't worry I'm not a creep unlike that guy over there staring you down."

I follow  his gaze to an obviously drunk guy on the other side of the room. He lazily shifted his gaze from me and I look at Luke with wide eyes. "Uhh that was weird"

The night went on. Luke and I had pointless conversation. I had learned his favorite bands, movies, and shows. He liked The 1975 and just about every other band, movie, and show. He's 20 years old. I lost count how many drinks I had, but I was definitely going to feel this in the morning. I got a good look at him he was wearing a red snapback and  I gotta admit he looked good.

"Creep is walking over here," Luke looked over my shoulder with furrowed eyebrows. I turn and see the guy as he put his arm around me.

"Hey, baby you wanna get out of here?" He slurred

"Uh, no thanks." I was incredibly drunk, but I was smart enough not to leave with a random guy to do god knows what. 

"C'mon babe I'll give you a great time," He said his hand going lower down my back with each word. 

"She said no" Luke says standing up. 

"Mind your own business. Asshole," the drunk huffed. 

With that, Luke punched him right in the jaw and the drunk guy stumbled back and fell to the floor. I stared at Luke with shock and he grabbed my arm.

"Let's go!" 

A crowd started to gather. We saw Calum making out with Lola against the wall when we were walking (more like running really) out of the house. 

"Give me the keys!" 

Calum broke from Lola and handed Luke the car keys with a look of confusion, but he was attached to Lola again before we even walked away. We sped to the car and hopped in. 

He drove off before I even shut the door. 

"Luke where are we going?"

"My place," He said not taking his eyes off the road.


Hellooooo. I hope you liked this I took like an hour writing this but I get distracted easily so it's not as great as it would be if I was focused lol. Vote, comment, follow us! It means a lot if you do ily all! Have a lovely day -guads

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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