Chapter 3 - Moving on

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They sent JJ's burnt body back to Outer Banks, to give him a proper funeral which only Y/n, Daniel, Rafe, Y/n's dad and Luke attended. She hated that Luke was there after what had happened but now JJ was dead, nothing mattered anymore. All she could do was mourn him, mourn that she didn't get to see his face for the last time.

As much as she hated it, life had to go on. Weeks passed and even if she felt she couldn't make it, she did. She lived through everything with him far away from her, now with him gone forever.

"I just need a break, I don't think I can do this anymore, I don't even have some time to miss him" Y/n let out as Daniel listened to her, just as he has been since the day they met
"You've survived all these years on your own, and raised an amazing son" he smiled warmly at her as they were sitting, having a break from work
"Yeah I held on because he was supposed to come back, but now..." She took a deep breath trying to hold back her tears
"Hey! Look at me," Dan lifted her chin gently "I don't want to see you like this, plus I want to cheer you up I have a surprise for you and Jason today"
"I love surprises" She chuckled softly
"I know you do, now let's go get Jason" he grabbed Y/n by her hand as they made their way out of work.

"There he is, just watch him start jumping when he sees you," Y/n said to Daniel as they were waiting for Jason outside the kindergarten
"Uncle Dan!" The little boy shouted and threw himself at Daniel's hug
"Oh look at you! You've become such a big boy" Daniel chuckled as he picked Jason up
"Aren't you going to say hi to mom?" Y/n smiled
"I'm with uncle Dan now" JD waved to his mom
"JD I have a surprise for you," Daniel said "let's get in the car"
"Uncle Dan is the best" JD cheered as they got into their car

Daniel took Y/n and JD to a carnival, where Rafe joined them later, it was the first time Y/n had a really fun time with her son.
"Here you go kiddo! Your dad is going to shoot and you'll win a toy" said the man at the shooting game
"He is not-" "I'm not his-" Daniel and Y/n jumped at the same time
"Anyways I'll get you the biggest stuffed animal Jason" Dan chuckled trying to avoid the awkward situation
"Go uncle Dan" JD cheered
Daniel shot them all on point and won two stuffed animals.
"Here you go JD, the teddy is for your mom" Daniel smiled as he handed them to JD and Y/n.
"Aw he is so cute" Y/n grabbed the teddy and squished it into her hug

"Mom, look! There's ice cream! Can we please get some? Please!" JD begged as he pulled Y/n by her hand.
"Okay, okay!" She finally gave in
"You two go I'll just sit down there with Rafe," Daniel said as he walked away to the bench

"Hey man, what are those two doing?" Rafe asked
"JD wanted to get some ice cream" Daniel let out a laugh "Y/n can't ever say no to him"
"Can I ask you something Dan?" Rafe spoke
"Yeah, sure" Dan responded
"Do you fancy Y/n?"
"Look man I've seen the way you look at her, and all the things you do for her" Rafe interrupted
"I do, I just..." Daniel spoke slowly
"I would be more than happy to see my sister with a man who makes her happy, I mean look at them, I haven't seen them this happy ever," Rafe said as he pointed to Y/n and JD, they were laughing as JD jumped out of joy
"There's nothing I want more than to see them this way" Daniel laughed watching them
"Shoot your shot then," Rafe replied

"Hey boys!" Y/n approached them "do you think it is time to go home now?"
"Yeah it's getting late" Daniel replied
"But mom..." JD pouted
"Nah, someone has to go to school tomorrow," Y/n smirked
"Come on, I'll bring you back tomorrow friend" Rafe high fived JD
"Uncle Rafe is a liar" Jason replied and they all started laughing.

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